Program official documentation site for dotProject

General Functional Overview of dotProject

This page provides a summary of dotProject and how it can be used. This doesn't mean that this is the proscribed method and you must use dotProject in the way that we've outlined of course as everyone will come up with different methods to suit their own particular requirements.

What is dotProject

It is a project management suite - aiming towards pure project management functionality. It's still got a way to go, but we believe it has some core basic functions that are good.

Wouldn't it be Great if it was a Groupware Application

No thanks, that is not what we are aiming for. We're aiming for a specialist project management suite that addresses a core aim. We're planning on including some co-operation features in later releases but we're never going up against a full groupware suite.

What do I do with dotProject

Effectively dotProject is used to manage the day to day activities of a project's progression. The difference between project management and, for example, help desk, is that help desk functions are about interrupt driven, unplanned / unexpected tasks. dotProject is for managing a defined workload, with a defined resource base who are co-operating to deliver a project.

What sort of Projects can dotProject be used for

Anything that has a deliverable. The reason there is no "CVS" module within dotProject itself for example is because if you are using dotProject to plan the building of a house, CVS means nothing. Again, we're about managing task to complete a desired outcome - not necessarily an IT task, not necessarily a building task.

Can I Use dotProject for Project Planning / Development

Like everything, your mileage will vary. We frequently use dotProject to layout a project / do the initial project planning, particularly if the project is fairly well defined from the project initiation document upwards. If the project requires a lot of adjustment, consideration of a lot of dependencies, changes in resource allocations or "thinking" in the project initiation phase we will often use an alternative tool such as SureTrack or Project KickStart to do that initial planning / adjustment. Once completed we transfer the setup into dotProject. Personally, we transfer by hand because that's convenient for us, there are some commercial projects working on dotProject importers if you would prefer to save time / spend money.

Where do I Start / How does it Work

dotProject has some core modules which are used to build up your project repository.

Companies are the entities that group projects, tasks and users together. We use the term Companies - you can change that via a local Translation to another term if that suits your requirements, for example Groups / Departments / Customers. You must have companies in order to be able to create other dotProject elements.
Departments are subsets of Companies, allowing you to group elements such as users at that level. At the moment there are few filters throughout dotProject at the Departmental level but some are being worked on.
dotProject has users who are able to login to dotProject and work within the permissions scheme that you provide for them. What distinguishes a user from a contact is the application of a permissions role. Contacts can be assigned to projects to receive, for example, email updates, but they do not necessarily have access to the dotProject system. User's and contacts must belong to a company.
Projects are the overriding elements within which tasks are performed. For example, you might say that you are using dotProject to manage the process of Building Your House, so you could have a project called "Our House". Within that project there are then specific tasks that you assign to various contractors / family members etc. No task can exist without it being attached to a project. If you have a need for random / non-project based tasks then we'd suggest that you create a general project (we simply use a project called Odds and Ends). Other's may have multiple general projects if that suits their particular requirements or permissions issues (you may want to limit various people to various categories of odds and ends tasks for example). We currently do not support sub-projects but once we finish off the resourcing release then this will be in the pipeline for consideration.
Tasks are the actual work components or jobs assigned within a Project. Tasks are the components against which work is done, hours are recorded, updates (in the form of task logs are saved) and progress is updated. Tasks must belong to a project (but only one project per task), tasks can be copied or moved around projects. Task dependencies will not be fully functional until complete resource calendaring and management is completed in upcoming releases. The Task Module automatically includes the ability to record task logs or updates against tasks that can then be viewed by other workers / managers.
Gantt Charts
Gantt Charts are incorporated into dotProject courtesy of the great project jpGraph. Charts are available at the individual project and all project levels. There are some issues with Gantt in terms of locales and some memory / font issues which are being worked on (most are already resolved and in the CVS stable_2 branch) a new release for which should be available as early as possible in the new year.
Files Module
There is a basic files module which allows you to store files against a project / within dotProject for access by project workers. There is some basic file versioning built into the Files Module. If you want extensive files management and support then you might want to look at an alternative package as we don't for one minute, pretend that our Files Module is an all singing all dancing document management system.
Forums Module
Discussion forums can be created against projects for recording discussions / notes / information against a project. Again, as with files, we don't pretend that our forum package is a world beating forum package. If you need more than a basic forum / discussion environment then look for a third party application.
Ticketsmith is a third party legacy package that was incorporated in the initial releases of dotProject for handling incoming support tickets. We've no intention of maintaining this package in releases from 3.0 onwards as the integration with dotProject is non-existent and the package itself is very very limited and does not seem to justify the amount of effort that would be required to maintain it. See Add-On Modules below for options.
System wide search module - within individual "modules" there are search features, smartsearch works across all modules.
Reports Module We're currently in the process of moving reports from within the projects module (and therefore many are hard coded to the "current" project into a module of their own, allowing you to nominate the reporting project. This is an ongoing task.
Backup Module
New module as of 2.0 to create an XML backup of your dotProject database (NOT the program files / uploaded files etc). Very new and we currently don't recommend that you use this as your only security backup of dotProject.
System Administration All the system administration features, including system configuration are incorporated in this module.
Resources Module
There is a resources module which allows you to incorporate non-human resources into a project (eg rooms / equipment etc.)

Add On Modules

Add on Modules are extra modules that has been developed outside the auspices of the core development team which provide particular functionality. Many add-on modules are provided by members of the user community and because of this, are often in varying states. By that we mean that some are actively supported by their original developers or by other user community members who have taken up the reins. Some are very up to date, some are in limbo and will not be compatible with current versions of dotProject. Add-On modules are hosted in a different project on SourceForge and anyone is welcome to ask for access to that project and to assist with maintaining and supporting existing add-on modules (although if you volunteer on an active module we'll probably get you to negotiate with the current team to ensure that everyone's happy with your efforts).
Help Desk
There is an add on help desk module which has recently resurged into active support courtesy of one of the core development team who has offered to take on the task. The module was originally conceived as a replacement for Ticketsmith and has had a rather rocky history in terms of updates. It appears to now be powering ahead.
Eventum Integration
There is a first draft of module for integrating Eventum and dotProject. There are some limitations in that logins cannot be automatically shared between the two packages, but the module does provide viewing of Eventum issues from within associated dotProject projects. Please make sure that you carefully read the installation instructions as if you are using dP2.0.1 you'll need to update some files from the stable_2 CVS to make the integration work.
There is an invoicing module that allows you to generate invoices from dotProject Task Logs
There is one active timesheet recording program on the dotMods project (plus some inactive ones so check before you grab just anything).