Lemke F., Muller J., "Self-Organising Data Mining"
Èñòî÷íèê: http://www.gmdh.net/articles/index.html
Self-Organising Data Mining 

F.Lemke, J.-A. Muller 

This paper describes the possibility to widely automate the whole knowledge 
discovery process by applying self-organisation and other principles, and what 
is called self-organising data mining. There are different GMDH based modeling 
algorithms implemented - dimensionality reduction, missing value elimination, 
active neurons, enhanced network synthesis and creation of systems of equations, 
validation, combining of alternative models - to make knowledge extraction task 
appropriate, fast and easy-to-use even for large and complex systems. 

1. Introduction 

To derive knowledge from data is an interactive and iterative process of various 
subtasks and decisions and is called Knowledge Discovery from Data (KDD). The 
engine of Knowledge Discovery - where data is transformed into knowledge for 
decision making - is Data Mining. It is most important for a more sophisticated 
data mining to limit the user involvement in the entire data mining process to 
the inclusion of well-known a priori knowledge. Soft computing, i.e., Fuzzy 
Modelling, Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms and other methods of automatic 
model generation, is a way to mine data by generating mathematical models from 
empirical data more or less automatically. The most recently developed tools for 
data analysis today known as data mining tools only begin the process of 
automating the search of models. Most tools have focused almost exclusively on 
building models. The most time-consuming process of data preparation, 
traditionally, is carried out by hand and is very hard to automate. 

This paper describes the possibility to widely automate the whole knowledge 
discovery process by applying self-organisation and other principles, and what 
is called self-organising data mining. 

2. Self-organising data mining (SODM) 

In contrast to Neural Networks that use Genetic Algorithms as an external 
procedure to optimise the network architecture and several pruning techniques to 
counteract overtraining, 

SODM introduces principles of evolution - inheritance, mutation and selection - 
for generating a network structure systematically enabling automatic model 
structure synthesis and model validation. Models are generated adaptively from 
data in form of networks of active neurons in an evolutionary fashion of 
repetitive generation of populations of competing models of growing complexity, 
their validation and selection until an optimal complex model - not too simple 
and not too complex - have been created. If this, but also data reduction, 
preprocessing and validation of model results is adjusted during the process of 
self-organisation, it is called self-organising data mining. Besides other steps, 
self-organising data mining algorithms realise in an objective way 

- data transformation; 

- preprocessing, such as elimination of missing values; 

- data (dimensionality) reduction in state and/or sample space; 

- choice of appropriate model and corresponding data mining algorithm; 

- self-organisation of transfer functions (neurons); 

- generation of alternative models with different variables and growing 
complexity in each layer; 

- self-organisation of networks 

- for multi-output systems: self-organisation of systems of networks (autonomous 
systems of equations); 

- validation of generated models; 

- self-organisation of hybrid models; 

- using some control module on the base of generated models and/or predictions 
automatically to derive decisions. 


3. Principles of self-organisation 

The SODM approach is based on induction, which is composed of the cybernetic 
principle of self-organisation as an adaptive creation of a network without 
subjective points given: 

First condition: There is a very simple initial organisation (neuron) that 
enables the description of a large class of systems through its evolution; 

There are several linear or nonlinear reference functions. Components of input 
vector xi, i=1, 2, ..., n, can be independent variables, functional terms or 
finite difference terms. For generation of systems of fuzzy rules the transfer 
function has to be f(vi,vj)= min (vi,vj) where vi,vj components of a fuzzy input 

Second condition: There is an algorithm for the mutation of the initial or 
already evolved organisations of a population (network layer). 

Genetic Algorithms are working on more or less stochastic mutations of the model 
structure by means of crossover, stochastic changes of characteristic parameters 
and others. In the SODM approach, Ivakhnenko's GMDH principle is used, which has 
the following components: 

1. to use in pairs the variables; 

2. in a recursive way to solve a big system of Gaussian equations by many little 
systems of equations (3 to 7 equations), i.e. for every pair of variables gives 
the possibility to solve the interpolation task independent from the number of 
unknown parameters in an effective way; 

3. because there is no practical way to check for every combination, the third 
part of GMDH is the multilayered approach: instead of generation of all possible 
combinations in one layer using the principal of selection of best models among 
all generated models with two variables are selected the best who in the next 
layer are again combined. 

Third condition: There is a selection criterion for validation and measure of 
the usefulness of an organisation compared with its intended task. 

It is an external criterion but does not require users to subdivide data 
explicitly since it employs cross-validation techniques internally. Therefore, 
it is appropriated for under-determined modelling tasks or for modelling short 
data samples. 

Since the selection characteristic of PESS is very smooth, a discriminating 
criterion, the approximation error variance criterion, is used to make selecting 
several best model candidates in each layer more certain. After preselecting F*p 
best model candidates from the PESS criterion value, Fp best candidates are 
selected finally from the preselected set according to the approximation error 
variance criterion (F*p > Fp). In the following is shown, that these principles 
can be used in the initial data mining process (section 4), but also in several 
steps of KDD such as estimation of missing values (section 5.1), dimensionality 
(data) reduction (section 5.2), validation (section 6), and synthesis of 
alternate models (combining) (section 7). 

4. Self-organising modelling 

Self-organising modelling consists of several steps of self-organisation, such 

o self-organisation of transfer functions (neurons); o self-organisation of 

o for multi-output systems: self-organisation of systems of networks (autonomous 
systems of equations); 

In such a way it is possible to generate from short and noisy data samples 

- linear/nonlinear time series models, 

- static/dynamic linear/nonlinear multi-input/single-output models, 

- systems of linear/nonlinear difference equations (multi-input/multi-output models), 

- systems of static/dynamic mutli-input/multi-output fuzzy rules 
described analytically in all four cases. More than this, for high noise level, nonparametric models 
(pattern/cluster) are obtained by Analog Complexing. 
Using Analog Complexing not only prediction but also cluster analysis (AC clustering) 
and classification (AC classification) [M?ller/Lemke, 00] is possible, which is 
used in the following (section 5) to automate the data preparation step. 

4.1 Self-organisation of transfer functions (neurons) 

A GMDH algorithm realises for each created neuron an optimisation of the 
structure of its transfer function (Active Neuron). Each transfer function f k 
is adaptively created by another self-organising process and they 

may differ one from another by their number of variables used and by their 
functional structure and complexity. SODM has implemented a complete second 
order polynomial as default analytical elementary model structure: 

f(v i v j ) = a 0 + a 1 v i + a 2 v j + a 3 v i v j + a 4 v i + a 5 v j . This 
abstract elementary model defines the class of possible models for this level of 
self-organisation.  The true model of every created neuron is instantiated adaptively by self-organisation. 
As a result, the synthesised network is a composition of different, a priori 
unknown neurons, and their corresponding transfer function have been selected 
from all possible linear or nonlinear polynomials: f (v i , v j ) 

4.2 Self-organisation of networks 

The second level of self-organisation employs a multilayered-iterational GMDH 
algorithm. There are two enhancements to the basic algorithm, however. 

The first difference is that the neurons must not have two input variables due 
to their self-selecting capability. The second difference of SODM algorithm is 
applying a so-called layer-break-through structure: all original input variables 
i and all selected F p best models of all p preceding layers are used as inputs 

create the model candidates of layer p+1. The enhanced version breaks open this 
fixed layer dependence structure, and it allows considering any selected model 
candidate (or original input variable) as input information at any layer of 
model creation. 

This greater flexibility of model synthesis, however, also amplifies the danger 
that models are becoming increasingly colinear with growing number of layers. To 
avoid evolution of colinear input variables generated during modelling, a 
statistical test is processed before any new neuron will be created excluding 
colinear input pairs from modelling in this way. Such an algorithm for self-organisation 
of multi-layered networks of active neurons performs the creation of an optimal 
complex network structure (optimal number of neurons and number of layers) and 
selection of a number of best model candidates out of populations of competitive 

4.3 Self-organisation of systems of networks (autonomous systems of equations) 

Complex systems usually have several output variables. The goal of modelling 
systems of equations using GMDH is to self-organise a model for each output 
variable and to identify the interdependence structure between the system 
variables including separating variables into endogenous and exogenous variables 
according to their corresponding model quality. After modelling a system of m 
equations, SODM selects a best autonomous system consisting of m* equations (m* 
< m) necessary to describe the system completely. Here, the number m* of 
equations the best system consists of and its composition of variables is 
completely detected by the algorithm using a system criterion. All variables of 
the identified best system can be considered as endogenous variables of the 
system. All remaining variables which may be part of the autonomous system are 
either exogenous or are identified as exogenous due to an insufficent data basis. 


5. Self organisation in data preparation 

Data preparation builds a ready to model dataset. But preparing data for 
modeling has been an extremely time-consuming process (nearly 60 % [Pyle, 99]). 
A first objective in preparing the data set is to prepare the data in such a way 
that the information content is best revealed for the tool to see. A second 
objective is to obviate the problems where possible. This techniques can reduce 
the error rate in a module, reduce modelling time and give enormous insight into 
the data and therefore is a source of most important benefits. 

5.1 Missing values 

In most practical applications we have to do with some of the values in the data 
set not observed. Creating and inserting some replacement value for the missing 
value the objective it is to guarantee that this values at least are neutral 
that is neither adds nor subtracts information from the data set. It must 
introduce no bias. Poorly chosen values adds information to the data set, that 
is not really present the missing value and in such a way distorting the data. 
It is necessary to preserve the between-variables relationship, which will be 
explored in the next modelling step. 

Discovering and explication the nature of that relationship is one of the main 
tasks of the data mining part, called modelling, that comes after preparation. 
SODM algorithm can be used also in the preparation step to pre-estimate this 
relationship, which is not actually linear. It has to be understand, that it is 
not the accuracy of this predictions of missing values that is of most 
importance when replacing them. The key concern is that the predictions produce 
a workable estimate that least distorts the values that are actually present. "The 
purpose of replacing missing values is not to use the values themselves, but to 
make available to the modelling tools the information contained in the other 
variables values that are present. If the missing values are not replaced, the 
whole instance value may be ignored"[Pyle, 99]. 

With the variables values that are jointly present in the initial sample data 
set good estimates of missing values of any variable can be made using SODM 
algorithms. This approach has two steps: 

1. deletion of missing values (list deletion) All observations with one or more 
missing values are deleted. On the base of such reduced data set by means of 
SODM algorithm are generated for every variable with missing values a linear or 
nonlinear model, where as variables are used all variables of the whole data set 
without the considered variable including the output variables. Specially for 
small data sets is convinient the advantages of SODM algorithm generate models 
on small data sets. 

2. Using the generated models for every variable by means of what-if-prediction 
the missing values can be estimated. After this the whole data set can be used 
to solve the data mining task. 

If there is more than one missing value in one and the same record it may be 
difficult to estimate the unknown values by regression models, because of 
conflicts between variables with missing values (interdependence between 
variables to predict). In this case AC classification is useful. For the given 
record with missing values by AC classification are selected most similar 
records which does not contain missing values. After this, the missing values 
are estimated as mean value of measured values of similar records. 

5.2 Data (dimensionality) reduction 

A crucial problem is determining how much data is needed for modeling. Reducing 
the dimensionality, it is necessary to enhance the relationships really in the 
data. Therefore, the mostly not proofable demand is the data sets needs to be 
representative. Secondly, a concentration of instances has to enhance the whole 
information about between variable relationships but also the variability of 
individual variables. Practical data mining application has to handle with 
mountains of data, i.e. tables with high dimension. Besides the known 
theoretical dimensionality problem [Cherkassky, 98] there is a dimension limit 
of all known tools connected with computer time and working storage. Therefore a 
step of high priority is the objective choice of essential variables - state 
space reduction -but also the exclusion of redundant observations - sample space 


5.2.1 State space reduction 

a. Modular approach 

The modular approach relies on decomposing a given task among a number of 
networks, each solving a seperate sub-task. Given are N variables xi, from which 
M variables yj has to be predicted. The following approach can be used for 
dynamic systems: 

1. Randomly the variables are grouped in P groups with nearly the same number of 
variables. Every group gives a subdata set. 

2. For every subdata set is generated a system of equations by means of SODM and 
estimated the system prediction for all variables. If the variables yj is 
included in the group, a prediction is obtained, in the other case a model of 
variables yj depending of all variables included in the group is generated and 
by means of what- if - prediction the unknown prediction of yj evaluated. 

3. The obtained P predictions for every variable yj are combined by means of 
SODM algorithms. 

b. Self-organising variable selection 

The basic idea is to use the GMDH principle, it is the aim to reduce high 
dimensional problems by solving 

many small problems. The variable set S0 with a high number of variables is 
divided into m subsets with 

equal number of variables. In the first generation for every combination in 
pairs of subsets linear or nonlinear 

m models are generated. Every generated model contains variables, the set of all 
variables, contained in () 


models of the first generation give the variable set S1 of first generation. In 
the second generation the new variables set S1 will be divided in equal subsets 
and for every combination in pairs of subsets again linear or nonlinear models 
are generated. The whole set of variables, contained in models of second 
generation gives the variables set S2 and so on. This has to continue up to a 
given number of variables is reached . Obviously, for very high number of 
variables, such an approach does need many computational effort, the number of 
models which has to be generated is too much. In this case only a partition in 
equal groups of variables is useful, but there is the danger, that not all 
influences in pairs on the output are considered. 

5.4.2 Sample space reduction 

We have to distinguish stationary processes or homogeneous samples of 
observations and nonstationary processes or inhomogeneous samples of 
observations. In both cases we can use self-organising clustering to generate 
homogeneous or stationary parts of the whole process/sample. But combining of 
results is possible only in first case. The second case gives models for 
different situation. Using this model ensemble it needs therefore a 
classification of the given situation and then application of the corresponding 

a. Stationary processes 

If there is a big number of observations, i.e. a high sample size one useful 
approach the sample has to be divided by clustering in several clusters of 
sample observations. After clustering every cluster can represented by one 
observation. This representative can be selected as 

- one specific observation, 

- mean value of all obervations in the cluster, 

- observation, which has the lowest distance to all other a.s.o. 

Principally, it has to be considered the fact that redundancy of samples 
contains some information. To delete the redundant instances means to lost this 
information. Therefore it is better to use weights, which give instances with 
repeated realisations a higher weight than such, which only one times will be. 

b. Nonstationary processes: 

By means of AC clustering the observations are divided into a small number of 
clusters with similar records. Every cluster contains observations of a nearly 
stationary process. After this for every cluster can generated by means of SODM 
algorithms a special model. 


6. Validation 

A very important problem in knowledge discovery from data is analysis and 
validation of the obtained models. This evaluation process is an important 
condition for application of models obtained by data mining. From data analysis, 
only, it is impossible, however, to decide whether the estimated model reflects 
the causal relationship between input and output, adequately, or if it is just a 
stochastic model of noncausal correlations. In this paper validation means to 
proof if the derived pattern do exists, actually, and is important for practical 
applications or if it is only a stochastic one. 

By means of Monte Carlo simulation a noise sensitivity characteristic was 
generated that provides the required external information that helps to decide 
if the generated input/output model is valid or not. The idea here was building 
models on a subsequently increasing number of potential inputs M and random 
samples N several times to get a characteristics for a certain algorithm on how 
strong the algorithm can filter out noise based on a given data set dimension (N, 
M). In result, a boundary area Qu =f(N, M) was obtained that any model must 
exceed to be considered valid to a certain degree of significance in that it 
reflects relevant relations in the data. 

Based on the simulation data of 750 samples and 2 respectively 4 inputs when 
also using the inverse of N and M) the following model - named in the following 
test function - was created by "KnowledgeMiner" (fig.1): 

To evaluate if the extracted relation Qu=f(N, M) do extrapolate well, we run the 
simulation on N, M values that were not included in the data set used for Qu 
model estimation. This simulation shows for M=100 and 

N=10 (50) 810 that theoretical model Qu =Q +2sQ and estimated model Q? u = f(N,M) 
are fitting very close, which confirms applicability of the estimated model on 
the extrapolated parameters. 

Concluding from these simulations it seems reasonable that the obtained test 
function Qu(N, M) provides a tool that helps to estimate on the fly the validity 
of a model generated using GMDH. Given a data set of dimension (N, M), a model’s 
quality QM can be calculated and compared to a corresponding threshold Qu. This 
threshold expresses a “model quality” level that can be obtained when simply 
using random numbers as a data basis. For a model of a quality QM ? Qu, it 
cannot be verified - due to missing error cases - whether the model reflects 
some relevant relations or if it just models noise. Therefore, such a model has 
to be considered invalid. For the other test case, QM > Qu, it can be concluded 
that the probability of the test indicating a model valid for actually non-relevant 
relations in the data decreases fast asymptotically as the difference QM - Qu 
rises. This is a most important fact, because, having the error rate available 
this time , this implies that as DQ rises, the probability of testing an 
actually valid model valid quickly increases to almost 1. 

7. Improvement of model results 

If the model is not valid 

· in the data base are not included most important input variables. Therefore 
the investigated variable
cannot be explained by a input-output model sufficiently. The variable should by 
considered as
exogenous and should be described by a time series model or by Analog Complexing. the data base is not well-behaved,
 i.e. there are more variables than 
observations. Besides methods of
dimensionality reduction quality of model results can be improved by combining. 
In many fields, such as economy, there are only a little number of observations 
which is the reason for uncertain results. The results obtained by models with 
small sample are in most cases unsufficient. All methods of automated model 
selection lead to a single best model. On this base are made conclusion and 
decision as if the model were the true model. However this ignores the major 
component of uncertainty, namely uncertainty about the model itself. To improve 
model results artificial generation of more training cases by means of jittering, 
randomizing a.o. is a powerful way. 

Many researches have shown, that simply combining the output of many predictors 
can generate most accurate prediction that of any of the individual predictor. 
Theoretical and empirical work [Sharkey, 99] has shown, that a good ensemble is 
one where the individual networks are both accurate and make their errors on 
different parts of the input space. Combining the output of networks is useful 
only if there is disagreement on some inputs, topology, parameter a.o. Combining 
several identical networks produces no gain. The task of combining is: given an 
ensemble of predictors, sought is a prediction by means of voting or averaging (simple, 
weighted, Bayesian). Combining the corresponding outputs of a number of trained 
networks is similar to creating a large network in which the trained networks 
are subnetworks operating in parallel and the combination weights are the 
connection -weights of the output layer. It is possible to generate a 
combination of models (synthesis) by SODM algorithms itself. The big advantage 
of this approach is that automatically by self-organisation is selected the best 
(voting) or combined some of the best models linearly or nonlinearly. 

One problem in creating network ensembles is the following: because the 
corresponding outputs on the individual networks approximate the same physical 
quantities they may be highly positive correlated or collinear. Thus the 
estimation of the harmful weights for combining such networks may be subjected 
to the harmful effects of collinearity. Collinearity or linear dependency among 
the corresponding outputs of the component networks may have computational and 
statistical ill-effects on the estimation of the combination weights, and than 
can undermine the generalisation ability. In SODM the problem of collinearity is 
avoided by means of a statistical test before any new neuron will be created and 
optimising the information matrix after each new layer. 

8. Conclusions 

GMDH based algorithms and self-organisation can be used to automate 
almost the whole knowledge discovery process, i.e. models have been 
created adaptively and data preparation will be self-organised in
special missing values are estimated and dimensionality is reduced.
Automated solutions are more or less based on techniques developed in
a discipline named "machine learning" as an important part of artificial
intelligence. These are various techniques by which computerised
algorithms can learn which patterns actually do exist in data sets. 
They may not be so intelligent as humans but are error-free, consistent,
formidable fast, and tireless compared to humans. 

Looking at a model quality or model error criterion does not suffice
to state a model valid or not, and thus considering it a good model 
that generalise well. The “closeness of fit” hype is misleading: 
Even an ideally fitted model can reflect non-causal, i.e., random relations, exclusively,
 as well as the “worst” fitted model can be 
the “best” or “true” model. A model’s closeness-of-fit-criterion needs
 justification with the “working characteristics” of the algorithm it 
was created with. In this context, this noise sensitivity characteristics
provides the required external information to be able stating a model
 not being valid or being valid the more as the model’s quality QM 
distinguishes from an externally given quality level Qu (QM - Qu >>0). 

The approach is implemented in a prototype of the software "KnowledgeMiner" and is supported by AppleScript. 


Cherkassky, V. F. Mulier: Learning from Data. J. Wiley&Sons. New York 1998. 

Muller, J.-A., F.Lemke: Self-Organising Data Mining. BoD Hamburg 2000. 

Pyle, D.: Data Preparation for Data Mining. Morgan Kaufman Publ. San Francisco 

Sharkey, A.J.C.: Combining Artificial Neural Nets: Ensemble and Modular Multi-Net 
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Lemke F., Muller J., "Self-Organising Data Mining" 
Èñòî÷íèê: http://www.gmdh.net/articles/index.html