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 Master's DonNTU Pivnyk Tatyana

Pivnyk Tatyana Anatolievna
The Faculty of Computer Science and Informatics (FCSI)
Cathedra of Computer's Systems of Monitoring (CSM) 
ãðóïïà ÊÝÌ-06ì
Theme of master's work: "Research and analysis  of Index Human Development in regions of Ukraine"
supervisor: assistant Berezovskaya Olga Vladimirovna

        E-mail  tanyapivnyk@mail.ru                   

    Master's work


Presently there is a method of calculation of index of human development, which unites three indexes: gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, literacy of population and duration of forthcoming life.

The index of human development (IHD) gives the composite estimation of human progress. First this index was offered in 1990ã. by the group of researchers of Program of development of UNO. Except for general ICHR, ICHR settles accounts for men and women, different ethnic and social groups, regions.

However much the index of human development, expected to on to three to the above-stated indexes, gives complete presentation of human progress. It is therefore necessary to utillize other indexes of development of human potential. In addition, there is a problem of incompatibility of statistical information, as absence of statistical indexes, necessary for the calculation of index of human potential on a certain method is possible in one or another region..

In addition, there is a problem of incompatibility of statistical information, as absence of statistical indexes, necessary for the calculation of index of human potential on a certain method is possible in one or another region.

For example, in the Donetsk area there are indexes in area of agriculture (a production of basic products of stock-raising is in agriculture’s enterprises, productivity of cattle and bird in agriculture’s enterprises, total number of livestock of cattle and pigs in agriculture’s enterprises, total number of livestock of sheep, goats and bird in agriculture’s enterprises, falling of cattle of any age in agriculture’s enterprises, realization of cattle and bird by agriculture’s enterprises, realization of milk and sucklings products by agriculture’s enterprises, realization of eggs agriculture’s enterprises, realization itch agriculture’s enterprises, realization of corn cultures agriculture’s enterprises and other), in the field of transport (freight transportations by a motor transport, passenger transportations by a motor transport), foreign economic activity (volumes of export-import of commodities), indexes of development of small enterprise (amount of small enterprises, amount of workers, operating expenses from the realized products).

As a result of the made calculations the system will give out information about that, what type of activity makes the most ponderable part in the index of development of human potential, and what type of activity it follows to spare the special attention and instrumental in development for the increase of index of development of human potential.

2. The topical of master’s work

Calculation of index of human potential is topical not only in some countries but also in the whole world. There is international organization which is engaged in development of human potential, which 189 countries enter in the complement of. This organization has 8 goals which must be attained in a period from 1990 to 2015.

In addition, development of human potential was estimated only taking into account three factors (GDP, literacy of population and life-span), however much the index of human development, expected to on to three to the above-stated indexes, gives complete presentation of human progress. Therefore human potential must be estimated taking into account the great number of factors to analyse and forecast development of regions.

3. Purpozes and tasks of master’s work

A purpose of work is establishment of conformities to the law of development of human potential of the world countries for the study of features of regional development of economy and society of regions of Ukraine and development of software product, directed on perfection of statistical analysis./FONT>

Tasks, decided in master's degree work:

1. Analysis of literary sources and theoretical information upon settlement of index of human development, generalization of the got results.

2. Collection and analysis of statistical data.

3. Development of methods and algorithms of calculation of index of development of human potential on necessary indexes.

4. Establishment of features and conformities to the law on the basis of statistical information.

5. Creation of the system of calculation of index of development of human potential.

6. Estimation of regions of Ukraine on the index of development of human potential and development of recommendations.

4. Researches and working

The system of calculation of index of human potential will be created, which as a result of the made calculations will give out information about that, what type of activity makes the most ponderable part in the index of development of human potential, and what type of activity it follows to spare the special attention and instrumental in development for the increase of index of development of human potential.

In the complement of the system will be the calculation module enters with the specialized software, National comittee of statistics and statistical departments on districts and cities, and also workstations of organs of local self-government, ministries and supervisory organizations. Connection between the calculation module and other subjects is carried out through a network the Internet.

Statistical information enter block the «Regional calculation module» from the Statistical departments of districts and cities, in addition, these information can enter in the Regional national administration.

Further, on the basis of preliminary analysis of data, with the use of already existent and new methods, in a block the «Regional calculation module» is made calculation of index of development of human potential, a conclusion and analysis of the got results is conducted, whereupon, these information act to other subjects of this system, namely, in the departments of social defence, Regional departments of health protection, Regional national administration, and also in Ministries of industry, agriculture, health protections and in the National comittee of statistics.

We will consider the chart of work of the regional calculation module.

In the complement of the regional calculation module enter: base of these world indexes, database on the Donetsk area, block "Calculation", block of "Formula", block "Criteria of estimation", block "Conclusion of results" and block "Analysis of results, suggestion on conducting of measures".

For any the components of generalized IHD settle accounts separate indexes (index of the expected life-span at birth, index of the attained level of education, index of GDP per capita) on the following formula: Index = (an actual value - minimum value)/ (a maximal value - minimum value).

The expected information hatch an user in a block «Conclusion of results». The analysis of the got results and delivery the leading organs of suggestions is whereupon made on conducting of the proper measures.

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