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english ukrainian russian Donetsk National Technical University Evgeny Shegal

Evgeny Shegal

Faculty: Computer Science and Informatics

Speciality: Computer science

Theme of master's work:

Research of properties of the distributed data processing systems

Leader of work: Y.V.Ladyzhensky

About me:

Middle mark in the period of studies in university is 4,5. I can freely speak on Russian and Ukrainian. I am a communicable person. My skills are:

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 7.0;
  • HTML, DHTML (JavaScript);
  • PHP, MySQL, ASP;
  • COM;
  • Database design;
  • DirectX;
  • Software patterns and refactoring.


I want to tell something about me.  I am very principled and volitional person. My main disadvantage is laziness. I like to be engaged in creative work. I easly get on well with other peoples.

My name is Evgeny Shegal. I was born  in Krasniy Liman on November, 18, 1985. My father Shegal Igor is a railway manager. My mother Shegal  Nataliya works with my father.

I have only good remembrance about my childhood. I started to read in a very young age. Maybe, that’s why I like reading so much.

I haven’t visited a kindergarden because of my health. When I was 6 I went to school ¹4 in Krasniy Liman. I liked all in school, except homework. First two classes I finished with all top marks. After that I became to spend not enough time on training, so my marks were reduced.

In 1995 we moved to Donetsk. I entered to school ¹17 in Donetsk. First time I didn’t like new school. It was caused by a negative attitude to me from other pupils. What about study, I studied, as before - at above than average level. I took part in school competitions couple of times.

When my father was young he started to work as a programmer and he always told to me about this profession. That’s why I have chosen this university and this speciality. When I went to the university I was really happy. New people, new contacts, unprejudiced attitude – this is a chance to start a new life.

As a leader of the my masters work I have chosen a docent of the our  chair -  Y.V.Ladyzhensky. My choice was caused by the interesting subjects of the masters work. My theme was named «Research of properties of the distributed data processing systems».  

In the nearest future I am going to work for some big corporation. Above all the work must be interesting and perspective. In the not nearest future I want to become a lead programmer in the premises corporation or a businessman.