1. The analysis of known economic-mathematical model
2. Estimation of investment risk on the basis of results of modelling
An investment activity has become more intense since Ukraine came out of economic crisis. In order to get investments
in the conditions of the market economy it is necessary to prove to the potential investor the attractiveness of money investment
into the future investment project. It seems impossible to prove the investment attractiveness of the project without considering the
set of risk (risk-management). Thus, the solution of practical tasks of modeling different investment projects cashflow is an issue of
the day at the current stage of the economic development of Ukraine.[1]
The example of economical and mathematical model (EMM) of generating the specific investment project
cashflow is given in reference.[2] However, essential simplifications and restrictions do not permit to use it in practice in Ukraine.
The main objects of this paper are:
- To develop the real economical and mathematical model of generating the investment project cashflow in conformity
with economic conditions in Ukraine and abolish incorrect assumptions and restrictions;
- Investment risk evaluation based on the analysis of the obtained economic-mathematical model;
To solve these tasks the modeling was used in the paper because the analytical solution came across with overwhelming
mathematical difficulties (multiple convolutions of source densities of accidental parameters probability of the studied economical
and mathematical model).
The following was done in the firs part of the problem definition: calculation of value added tax, which is charged on the
revenue from the sales of products, if the annual revenue exceeds 3600 exemption limits.
In the second part of the problem definition: the algorithm of implementing accidental cashflow with the aid of
the computer program (VBA, MS EXCEL) was developed and the program was tested.
A comparison of the results of researching the developed economical and mathematical model at constant values of accidental parameters and with various laws of their distribution was made.
The following was applied as a characteristic of calculating investment risk of the studied EMM:
- Expectation value of accidental cashflow amounts;
- Interval estimate of accidental cashflows.
The last characteristic is the most acceptable for the solution of the assigned task, because it takes into consideration not only the average value of accidental cashflows but their dispersion around it at the assigned confidence probability.
Data for calculation were taken from the example described in reference [2], where automobile company planning the new car production was studied.
Seed money investments into the project are 40 million hryvna, projected output of cars - 10 000 per year, expected price of a car - 11 000 hryvna, variable cost per one car - 9 000 hryvna, fixed charges - 5 million hryvna. The project is planned for 10 years. Income tax - 30%, VAT – 20%.
Let us calculate the cashflow amount according to the model, supposing that all parameters are constant values and do not change in time. The formula for finding the annual cashflow at the conditions of the studied model is the following:
where, Q is an annual production output;
P is an expected price;
v is variable cost
F is fixed charges during one year;
I0 is seed money;
n is the term of the project in years;
t is a tax rate;
Substituting raw values of the model parameters, we received that annual cashflow was 12 250 000 hryvna.
Let us define the volume of a cashflow taking into account an assumption that EMM parameters can change
in time and have some laws of distribution. Input data are shown in table 1.
Table 1 - Input data
Model parameter |
Q |
P |
V |
F |
Distribution law |
Regular |
Regular |
Regular |
Regular |
Expectation value
10 000 |
11 000 |
9 000 |
5 000 000 |
Dispersion |
5 |
10 |
5 |
1 |
The volume of annual cashflow of the project taking into account The volume of annual currency flow of the project
taking into account the risk was calculated as a result of modeling and was 12 212 974 hryvna. We see that this volume
differs from the earlier calculated one and it is less by 37 026 hryvna. This amount characterizes the risk level of the given project.
Thus, it is clear that the uncertainty reduces the amounts of expected cashflows. Taking into account the risk, the
average currency flow will be 12 212 974 hryvna, that is 37 026 hryvna less then the value obtained while calculating without
taking into account the uncertainty factor and the risk.