DonNTU / Master's portal / Andrey Lysykh | RUS | UKR | ENG |
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Andrey Lysykhe-mail: Faculty: Computer ScienceDepartment: Software EngineeringTheme of master's work: Research and modeling productivity of Apache web-server from influence of various factorsLeader: Valeriy I. Kostin |
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I was born on 25th of February 1981 in Donetsk, Ukraine. Father Alexander G. Lysykh — the engineer, mother Lyudmila N. Lysykh — the engineer.
I still had the warmest memoirs about the early childhood. There was also a kindergarten where I have got many good friends and has received a lot of positive emotions, there were also employment by greater tennis which have strengthened me physically and have developed in me aspiration to be the best, there were also all days through lead outside with friends... Much that was... I can precisely tell that the childhood at me was happy.
I have gone to school in 1987 when I was 6 years old. It was school ¹2 of the Donetsk city. From elementary grades I showed interest to the exact sciences, and all humanitarian disciplines were heavy test for me. However not looking at all difficulties I have received good enough knowledge even in the most unfavourite subjects, for what I am grateful to the teachers. In school days I was engaged in various kinds of sports: tennis, handball, basketball. One more of my hobbies at that time was a computer. First I interested in games exclusively. Later I had an opportunity to study programming languages, and with arrival unprecedented at that moment OS Windows 3.11 with a graphic environment the circle of my interests has considerably extended.
In 1996, under the insisting of the parents I have continued study in liceum "Intelligence", in group with a mathematical bias. Study here was conducted absolutely at other level, rather than at school. In liceum I have received serious enough and profound knowledge on mathematics and computer science that were useful to me in the further.
I haven't definiteness in the question of choosing the further place of training when time has come. I was interested with a new Economic Cybernetics department which combined in itself two perspective for that moment directions: programming and economy, also the direction of jurisprudence interestingly enough looked. I have decided to act on both specialities, and at once in three institutes of higher education. By results of rating tests I have acted at Economic Cybernetics department at DonNTU (former DPI) and at DNIAI (former Institute of the Artificial Intellect), and also on the lawyer in Donetsk Institute of Economy. By the moment of a final choice I tended to specialization of the lawyer, but the financial position has not allowed to stop on it, therefore I have made a decision to continue the training in DonNTU at the Economic Cybernetics department. Choice of DonNTU has been caused by that authoritative people for me in the field of the programming, possessing deep knowledge of it, have graduate from it.
Study at university has appeared for me unexpectedly complex. I have understood, that it isn't elementary school. The serious approach is necessary here. The brightest impressions have remained with me from the teacher of higher mathematics Anatoly E. Skvortsov. As much precisely and clearly it explained complex enough material at each lecture, arrange it systematically, as much strictly and exactingly it asked students on exams. study proceeded normally in general, without any failures. Concurrence of circumstances cause me to leave abroad after two years of training at university. Having returned home, I could not continue training on a permanent establishment any more as the age dispose to earn money already needed. Thus, I have decided to renew training on correspondence branch. It would not be desirable to me to continue training at Economic Cybernetics department, because for two years of study I have understood, that the economy is not mine. Thus, I have decided to continue training at Software Engineering department, as the closest to me on spirit. Having rummaged in two years has not affected negatively ability to study, therefore I passed exams basically by grade "perfectly". As a result of such study I have received the bachelor's first class degree and have decided to continue training in a magistracy.
The theme of master's work "Research and modeling productivity of Apache web-server from influence of various factors" has been chosen by me owing to simple interest. Lately the Internet has noticeably changed qualitatively and quantitatively. In connection with this it became interesting to me to lead the analysis of behaviour of a web-server as one of its main components, at the predicted change of loadings.
In the near future I shall finish and I shall protect master's work, and also I shall study by attention bypassed till now Java language and all the actual technologies connected with it.
I see the future in achievement of the purposes which I am insolent at myself. And I do not limit myself in ways for this purpose, I choose to operate within the limits of current circumstances and time.
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