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Donetsk National Technical University Anikeyev Yevgeniy Olegovych

Anikeyev Yevgeniy Olegovych

Faculty: «Minering geological»

Speciality: «Drilling of shafts and wells»

Theme of master's work: «Substantiation of parameters devices secure effective timbering exploring using wells casing pipe»

Leader of work: Professor Kalinichenko Oleg Ivanovich

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract | Links | Report about the search

Date of Birth: 12 December 1984

Nationality: Russian

Short biography:

1986-1992: My parents drove me to nursery school «Dolphin». I liked swimming in our swimming-pool, but I got there very rarely.

1992-2002: I began to study at school N 72. Some time later I was acquainted with my trainer by chess. I decided to go to the chess section. I trained there by two years and then I took the fifth place in chess qualification tournament between beginners.

2001-2002: form I was a listerner by scientific association «Intellect». I took third place in the athletics competitions in running.

2002-2007: 2002 I entered to Donetsk national technical university at «Drilling of shafts and wells» speciality,because I thought that this profession has wide perspective for the future.

Summer2005: I took the practicals in the Donetsk miner-sinking administration, when I was a third-grade coal-cutter. I understood there that my profession is one of the most important for geological development in Ukraine.

Summer 2006: I pass the qualification examination by «Drilling of wells» speciality and got a diploma.

Autumn 2006: I entered to Master’s study in Donetsk national technical university follow Karakozov Artur Arkadiyevich’s (our director of chair) advice.

Middle mark in the period of studies in university 4.25


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