Chuprov Anton Leonidovich

Development and designing of optimum regime parameters of pulsing washing wells

Scientific adviser:

Cand.Tech.Sci. Filimonenko N.T.

Today, drilling of the wells play very important role in a complex of national economy in Donbass region. Now, without drilling works, works realization building of the majority objects is impossible.
There are many various ways, methods and objects of drilling. This work considers a construction of vertical wells with small diameter, which are build with rotary or percussion-rotary method of drilling with the central scheme of washing.
On the territory of Donbass, the majority of wells is been constructed in conditions of absorbing the washing fluid.
That's why, the expense of its reproduction and delivery are vary mach important, moreover a pollution of environment stand significant . Pollution is increased by toxic components in the special fluids, which are used for liquidation absorbing in the well.
There are several variants of solution this problem. One of them is pulsing washing inside the well:
The pneumatic equipment, which is included into the composition of boring rig and provide pulsating at the bottom hole circulation. They are simple in design and enable to transfer the power of compressed air directly into fluid being pushed without intermediate links. The compressed air from the compressor through an air distributor and boring pipes is periodically supplied to a special cavity below the fluid level in a borehole pushes the fluid into the borehole face. Thus there arouses circulation or reverse circulation.
Scheme of pulsing circulating system.
Operation factors:
-still number - 10
-review number - 5
-picture size - 295õ395 pix.

The fluid column of 15-20 meters high is sufficient for providing the flushing. A technological scheme provides visual control of fluid pulsations, envisages the arrangement controlling of the position of fluid level in a borehole and signals on its sudden drop.
An elaborator has at his disposal a technique to predict the expected technological parameters for flushing applicable to specific conditions of exploration for any purifying agents.
This way does not demand use special expensive and toxic washing fluids for decrease the absorbing. Besides, it allow reduce to a minimum the washing fluid consumption in the well. Consequently, expenses for transportation a fluid will reduce too, what is very actuality for remote and droughty areas.
The inside pulsation washing wells was researched in Ural State Mining Academy in city Ekaterinburg in Russia. Professor Bazhutin A.N., Sholohov L.G. and Bolshakov V.V. worked at this problem at various time.
In Ukraine researches are carried out in Donetsk National Technical University with supervision by Filimonenko N.T. and with direct participation of the author.
But today, the pulsation washing is not very popular in practice. Its depends on very difficult system designing of optimum regime parameters for this process.
This masters work is directed on elaboration automatic calculating and analysis regime parameters of washing system.
The purpose of work is simplification the organization of designing drilling works. Automation of calculation will allow to do the designing further and more precise.
Into problems of software product will enter: carrying out of all necessary calculations of system with the specified degree of accuracy. The program should carry out the precise analysis of results of the executed calculations, to give on them the full and evident report in a paper and electronic kind. Besides, evident graphic display of changes of researched technological parameters and as conclusions by results of the analysis, and the certain recommendations on optimization of regime parameters of work of system as a whole will be made will be given to the designer.
So: will composed simple graphic and tabular report about changes parameters. Plus will given calculations and recommendations about optimization the work of system and about the necessary changes in regime parameters in drilling process.
The programming language Visual Basic is stated as a basic for my program.
This choice was grounded that Visual Basic (VB) was designed to be easy to lean and use. That this language not only allows programmers to easily create simple GUI applications, but also has the flexibility to develop fairly complex applications as well. Programming in VB is a combination of visually arranging components or controls on a form, specifying attributes and actions of those components, and writing additional lines of code for more functionality. Since default attributes and actions are defined for the components, a simple program can be created without the programmer having to write many lines of code. Performance problems were experienced by earlier versions, but with faster computers and native code compilation this has become less of an issue.
Work on this project was moved by three stapes:
Calculations consider two variants for different methods organization wells washing, in this project:
For every of this methods was foresighted two variants of arrangement water level in the well: For every of this cases was created individual program calculate module.
Reductive flow blocks for this modules are point below:

Besides, were made several program modules for subsidiary calculations and was organized graphical appearance entering the starting data and data output. This masters work is in the state of development.
Example of appearance program part of this work is point below:

Fig. 1 Data flowchart for system with well point pump.

Fig. 2 Data flowchart for system with shallow pump.

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