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Donetsk National Technical University Fenyushina Irina


Faculty: Mineral and geological

Speciality: Ecological geology

Theme of master's work: Influence of the objects of pollution on the territory of the Slavyanskaya thermal electric power station on the ecological condition of undergdound water and soils

Leader of work: PANOV YURIY

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract | Links (rus) | Report about the search (rus)


Middle mark in the period of studies in university 4,75


Name: Fenyushina Irina
Date of Birth19 may 1985
Address83000 Donetsk, Komsomolskiy Prospekt 28/125
2006-2007master's courses
2002-2007Donetsk National Technical University, Mineral and Geological Faculty, Speciality "Ecological Geology"
summer of 2006Diploma of Bachelor in Ecology
2005-2006English Courses in Donetsk Christian University
1992-2002Donetsk comprehensive school ¹ 9
September of 2006 Second production practice in the Institute of Thermal-Electric Project
JulyFirst production practice in the ecology organization "Donbass-Azove XXI century"
May of 2002 First geological practice in Rrimia
Sports: fitness
English with dictionary
Olga KaverinaYuriy Panov
Vice-professor of English,Vice-professor of Geologist Scince
Donetsk National Technical UniversityDonetsk National Technical University

DonNTU| Master's portal | Abstract | Links (rus) | Report about the search (rus)