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Master of DonNTU Boriov Nikita Evgenyevich

Borisov Nikita Evgenyevich

Faculty: Computer Information Technologies and Automatics (CITA)

Speciality: Information Control Systems (ICS)

Theme of master's work:

“Development of the computerized subsystem of operations with plastic cards risk estimation in conditions of Prominvestbank Putilovsky branch”

Scientific adviser: The professor Lazdyn Sergey Vladimirovich


    Financial institutions sustain the certain losses from a different sort of risks alongside with obvious advantages of card projects introduction. Reduction of banks losses which are carrying out operations with plastic cards, is provided with carrying out of preventive actions in many respects. The last, in turn, are formed on the basis of application of control analytical procedures and economic-mathematical methods. There are means supporting procedures of decision-making on management by those or other bank risks in modern bank information systems.

    It is software of bank operations with the plastic cards monitoring first of all, allowing to distinguish not authorized use of a card, the overexpenditure of money resources under the account or other risk factors. Such programs are the western development or analogues of foreign products basically. Even if software are developed by domestically experts, bank employes do not pay due attention on acting in a mode of real time danger signals and start the client problem consideration only after his written application for the claim reception. Such approach to a problem reduces an opportunity of effective minimization of risk.

    Secondly, feature of the Ukrainian market is that there is no system of effective card potential holders selection. Banks operate by a principle «the more clients we shall involve, the better», that not forming target groups of clients and increasing percent of high risky card holders.

    Thirdly, the big mistrust to non-cash money is kept in our country. For example, the employees of the organizations receiving the salary on bank cards are card holders. They don’t left money on their accounts(bills).

    Fourthly, practice of bank risks insurance is poorly developed.

    Plastic money use features define specificity of possible risks. Besides administrative risks and risks of secondary influence which are marked by researchers of the given problem, the Ukrainian conditions generate ample opportunities for occurrence of swindle risks. It is necessary to carry to the last: manufacturing of counterfeit cards, operations under nonexistent numbers of cards, operations on the stolen or lost cards, excess of the admissible sum or a limit money resources removal frequency.

    It is possible to allocate following most significant directions: efficiency of payment rationing systems functioning in commercial banks (D.V.Podolsk, S.A.Stradymov, V.G.Kulagin); economic conditions of plastic cards application in system of clearing settlements (S.M. Guriev, O.V.Cherednichenko, T.V.Kirichenko); methods of maintenance of clearing settlements on the basis of plastic cards (J.A.Radtseva); use of bank cards in the tourism (N.V.Malysheva). Only some of researches involve the mathematical theory. However application of mathematical methods for an bank operations with plastic cards risk estimation does not find due application till now. The urgent decision the listed questions necessity has defined a choice of a theme, purpose and tasks of the present research.     The purpose of work: representations reception about a modern condition and tendencies of scientific development and practical development in sphere of the analysis of risks connected with growing popularity of bank plastic cards use; review of existing methods of economic-mathematical risks modelling, and choice of methodical toolkit of potential losses minimization; lacks and unresolved questions revealing in available development; choice of direction of own researches. Object of research is the payment system regarding mutual relations of bank-emitter and its client acts. An subject of research are bank-emitter risks on operations with plastic cards. Research is based on concrete appendices of the economic theory methodology, a banking, economic processes modelling and the economic analysis. The practical importance of work is that its positions can find application in the decision of tactical and strategic problems within the limits of planning activity on plastic cards holders service and conducting card accounts in the credit organizations, and also to provide an opportunity of an effective risks control. Scientific novelty of research consists in construction of the management concept by the risks connected with roguish actions and development of reduce methods in potential losses for bank-emitter. Novelty aspects contain following results of research: classification of risks operations with bank plastic cards; that is new to the Ukrainian bank practice; method of an estimation plastiс card holders behaviour "riskiness" in the various trade enterprises-service; methodical recommendations according to country risk at operations with the bank plastic cards, based on calculation quantitative characteristics of risk factors and paying special attention on geographical raised risk regions.


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9. -  Варианты приема платежей с использованием пластиковых карт при расчетах в сети Интернет.

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12.           В.Г. Шуметов, В.А. Гудов Применение нейронных сетей для анализа риска производственного предприятия.

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14.  - описание метода оценки риска VaR.

15.  - Оценка инвестиционного и кредитного риска.

16.  - Технологии оценки рисков.

17.  - Обеспечение экономической безопасности электронных платежей в среде Интернет.

18.  - глоссарий финансовых терминов.

19.  - Рекомендации по уменьшению риска несанкционированного списания средств со счета Вашей карты.

20.  - Концепция построения систем мониторинга операций с пластиковыми картами в области эмиссии и эквайринга.

21.  - Система обслуживания на основе кредитных карточек.

22.  - управление финансовыми рисками – теория и практика.

23.  - Платежная система «Золотая корона».

24.  Компания Colvir Software Solutions Ltd Автоматизация банковских и финансовых технологий.


Note: Given abstract is not the final version of the author's master’s works abstract. Ending of work is planned to the end of December, 2007. You can address for the final version of the dissertation to the author: or icq 308036639.
