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Master DonNTU Gerus Sergei Vadimovich

Gerus Sergei Vadimovich

Faculty of computer informational technologies and automatics

Speciality: Electronic systems

The theme of master's work: «Development of high accuracy electronic system for satellite antenna alignment regarding geomagnetic field»

Scientific adviser: prof. Zori A.A.

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About myself (main):

Average ball 4.3 on 5.0 scale. I know Ukrainian and Russians freely. Sufficient for reading and correspondence, I know English in a volume. I have skills in work with PC (Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, MathCad Professional, Visio, PCAD and others), worked with programming languages Borland Delphi, Assembler, Turbo Pascal. Operational experience: 1. Adjustment of radio engineering devices. 2. Sale, installation of satellite equipment. Satellite receiver’s software updating.

Short biography


I was born on 3rd September in Gelendzhik-town of Krasnodar regioni in Russia. There my grandmother and my grandfather lived – my mother’s parents. My parents studied together on speciality “Radio engineering” at Taganrog Radio engineering Institute. After graduating from institute my mother and father got by distribution in Donetsk. As they had studied together, therefore, they worked together at Research Institute of Complex Automation till “demolishing” of Research Institute after USSR’s disintegration. Therefore my parents began to apply private business. In childhood my beloved occupancies were books’ reading and constructing. My constructing possibilities began to appear at my grandparents’ summer cottage in Tuapse-town of Krasnodar region.: I brought there autospares and built my “megacar” It’s a big pleasure to have two grandparents at Black sea, where I have a rest till now. The best minutes of my childhood passed at my grandparents’ house at Black sea coast.


After kindergarten I went to school ¹124 of Donetsk city . On basic school times I remember my first teacher Horunzhaja Ludmila Viktorovna, which tought me a lot. Parallel to studing at school I went to swimming, basketball, football, Free-style and chess. The last three occupancies where applied by me simultaneously. My study was good, the best successes were in math, physics, chemistry and german language. Studing at school ended after 8th form and flowed into studing at Donetsk college (9-11 form). At this time I began to engage music: I played guitar, electronic keys; I devoted to composing music with PC’s help a lot of time. I took part in different perfomancies in consistance of band “Stihija” . At the college I studied also English language; I recollect amusing lessons with American teacher Ann till now.


Owing to study at the college there was no problems with entering DonNTU by ratings to speciality Electronic systems. Except for DonNTU I did not consider other HIGH SCHOOLS As I wanted to enter technical speciality I chosed DonNTU as university with big variety of applied sciences; And the choice of a speciality was caused by desire to learn about modern microprocessor systems as much as possible. The first lesson at university was phisycs on which I felt difference of school and university: lectures, laboratory, etc. the Majority of college’s graduates entered in DonNTU, therefore from first days there have been a lot of familiar and friends at university. In my group it has appeared two people - schoolmates from college and one more - the schoolmate from my 124-th school. There was one more difference from school, in my university group there was no girl: it is somehow unusual. Problems with completing of session never arose at me, time both for work and rest always was. With each session its completing appeared all easier, and skills in a passing examinations increased with each semester.


fter 3-rd course I passed practice on "Automatgormash". Proceeding from it, the theme of mine master's work should be connected with combines, mines, planes. And it does not involve me somehow. The idea for master's degree work was prompted with work (sale, installation of satellite equipment) in which I am engaged during free time from study: Measurement of an azimuth by means of anisotropic magneto resistive sensors. Having considered the name with my scientific adviser, the theme began to refer to: "High accuracy electronic system for satellite antenna alignment by geomagnetic field”. The information in Russian on this theme is not enough, that’s why I had to translate a lot of material from English.

Future plans

Overall goal for me now is performance master's degree work and its successful defense. Also I hope to realize my device for measurement of an azimuth and to find somewhere commercial application for it..

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