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Gett Anastasiya Mihaylovna Faculty: KITA                             Speciality:КSDTheme of master's work:Specialized computer system of the diagnostics teeth system disharmony of the personLeader of work: доц.Shatokhin P.A.
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Abstract to master's work:
Introduction      Presently leading technologies are used in such sections of the stomatologies as prosthesis, implantation, as well as "computer design of the smile". With appearance and introduction in everyday practical person reliable adhesive material and methodses have approached verily new era to modern stomatology, in which health and function are already far from single landmark, both for doctors, and for their patient. Developing unencountered earlier rate direction, which generally accepted to name make-up or aesthetic stomatology, at present comprises of itself extended knowledges and methods. Urgency    At first thought, aesthetics can be shown by area, to which shall not use the diagnosis. Stomatologicheskiy exterior rather subjective and not so easy yields to the analysis on base of the scientific criterion and diagnostic principle. However, modern level of the knowledges allows to give the unambiguous answer: parameters of the aesthetics познаваемы and can be denominated quantitative. With ancient timeses great scientist, the sculptors and artists solved a problem determinations a proportion ideal body of the person and person. What looks the ideal smile an eye stomatologist? The Beautiful smile this harmony of the size, locations and colour teeth, their proportions and symmetries comparatively each other and surrounding their element. Relations are taken into account For determination of the ideal smile between all component.However appears question, as objective to value result of the called on treatment of the patient with aesthetic standpoint. Purpose and problems    The Purpose given work is a determination quality made the treatment of the patient with aesthetic standpoint.The Problem consists in that to on picture of the patient to define, insofar harmonious and aesthetic his smile was before and became after undertaking treatments. For this necessary to take measurements some objective quantitative factors. For decision of the delivered problem necessary to execute certain preprocessing to photographies of the patient, conduct the necessary measurements and draw a conclusion about degree of the discrepancy model "ideal".
Animation ( Shots - 4, time of reapiting - 8, delay - 80 ms)     The Algorithm, in general, looks as follows:
Data used in diagnostics     Input information for system is a digital photography of the patient.Previously than take measurements, necessary to conduct such landmarks:
    Possible try to define, corresponds to smile "ideal", on such quantitative features:
Decision of the delivered problems and planned results    As it was said earlier, input information for system is a digital photography of the patient.Previously than take measurements necessary prepare the scene. Filtering.     Since for digital systems of the issue and keeping of the scenes typical impulse noise, for filtering the scene is offered use the median filter since he particularly efficient in the event of pulsed noise. The Typical particularity медианного filter is a conservation swing to brightness (the sidebar). Median filter realizes the nonlinear procedure of the impulse noise. He presents itself slitherring on field of the scene window, coverring uneven number counting out. Central counting out is all element scenes changed by median, which have fallen into window. x(n1, n2 ) = med [y (n1+ k1, n2+ k2 ): (k1, k2) from area W] Separation sidebar     The Separation sidebar is produced to easier was enter the landmarks and take measurements. Okonturivanie will be executed by method Sobelya. This method works with two-dimensional aperture by size 3х3.
    Are they First found variable X and Y: X=(A3 + 2*A4 + A5) - (A1 + 2*A8 + A7) Y=(A1 + 2*A2 + A3) - (A7 + 2*A6 + A5)     New importance of the central element is found After:     For reception more proper pricing and comfort of the work with scene in program will are provided such procedures, as contrast, change to brightness and scaling.     Change to brightness:     Increasing/reduction to brightness - accordingly, adding/subtraction of importance of brightness with some fixed by importance (also within from 0 before 255); herewith without fall check output of new importance of the channel for limits of the range. Change to contrast:     Increasing/reduction contrast -accordingly, multiplying/fission of importance of brightness on a certain importance (including real) that brings about more clear яркимПовышение/reduction contrast -, accordingly, multiplying/fission of importance of brightness on a certain importance (including real) that brings about more clear border. However, from characteristic of the perception follows that change контрастности must not bring about change of average brightness on scene so use the following formula a border. However, from свойсв perceptions follows that change contrast must not bring about change of average brightness on scene so use following formula: NY =K*(Y-dY)+dY, where NY - new importance, K - a factor контрастности, Y - current importance, dY - an average importance on scene. Scaling:     Scaling pertains to geometric transformations that is to say importances point (the pixel) does not change, however changes their position in two-dimensional space. When scaling matrix (the table) of the size h1,u1 necessary to bring about the other matrix of the size x2,y2. First s the new matrix of the necessary sizes, are then calculated factors for each of coordinates. Hereon for each point of the new matrix is found corresponding to in old. Conclusion    At present computer information technologies firmly fell into our everyday life. The Processes of the building to concepts and fabrications, managed by computer, already are long ago introduced in industrial sector. Not surprising that breakout computer technology in all branches production began to seize and stomatology. Presently leading technologies are used at prosthesis and implantations teeth. The Aesthetic exterior plays the of no small importance role in lifes of any person. Necessary not well itself to feel, but also be sure of itself that impossible without beautiful smile. The Under development program will help qualitative value the smile and greatly draw near it to ideal. Source
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