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Master DonNTU Karanko Andrey Stepanovich

Karanko Andrey Stepanovich

Emblem of DonNTU

Faculty: CITA
Speciality: Telecommunication systems and networks
Theme of master's work: Research of network technologies for construction of telecommunication infrastructure in ERP-systems
Teacher: The senior lecturer of chair AT Voropaeva V.J.
ICQ# 242-732-586

Briefly about the main thing

The mean score during training for the first 4 courses has made 4,94. Freely I own Russian and Ukrainian languages. I have certificate Upper-Intermediate of English language. I have skills of work with operational systems Windows 98/XP, Linux, UNIX. Studied programming languages – Borland Pascal, C ++, Algorithm Builder, a graphic package the Compass 5.11, Corel, Adobe Photoshop, packages MS Office 97/2003, NetCracker 4.0, Boson NetSim, MathLAB, Ethereal.

With what all began

I was born November, 12, 1985 in native city of Donetsk. Probably, you know it well and you like it strongly, as well as I. There are many cities on the Earth where I was and where I would like to visit, but the house always remains in your heart, it sees not only visually, but feels. The destiny has presented me happiness to have loving and careful parents who will prompt to do things correctly, and also has presented me the big family. The childhood proceeded quite carefree:

Cradle. Swaddling clothes. Weeping.
Word. Step. Cold. Doctor.
Bustle. Toys. Brother.
Yard. Swing. Nursery.

I was very restless child – climbed on trees (probably it was my second house), in a nursery bothered all tutors, adored to assort everything, that came across under a hand.


The school is a separate history. I began the way of the master from 6 years. I didn't understand many things, when I came to school (by the way, its number was 115). I remember, when at a school line the brother has approached to me and has given to me the book. It was Arhtur Conan Doyle. But I did not love to read and first two classes not especially succeeded in study. I had remarkable form-master – Elena Fokovna. Very charming and cheerful person. By her advice I began to read books, my marks on dictations were sharply improve:-) My favourite subjects were physical culture and mathematics, they were given to me always easily.
For the school life I studied at two schools and liceum. It was connected to moving and my personal decision. Always I was freely flowed in collective and found common language with teachers.
When I came to 6 class in a new school, I have felt in myself forces and desire to learn new to prove to myself, that in life it is possible to achieve everything, that you want. I have never especially allocated subjects which I like or do not like. I learned all diligent. Probably, therefore I have been the general favourite of all teachers. Special, nevertheless, preference I gave to mathematics, to English language, reading of various books at a leisure. I showed a big interest in computers as all my coevals. It further also has affected my nearest 5 years after school.
Any normal person could not live without sports:-). Went in for sports at home, in training halls, played various games. The love of all my life is football. Has actively interested in it after the world championship in 1998 when the French combined team showed all magnificence and beauty of this kind of sports. I has also swam, played basketball.

About a choice of high school

My school days have imperceptibly flown, and approached the time of hour X when I should made a choice. I did not puzzle over my knowledge as to enter. The only thing, that me excited it where to enter. Naturally, this decision has come to me not at once. It was rummaged a lot of information on universities, many opinions of relatives are listened. I have always been practical man, and I hadn't been interested in humanitarian subjects. Therefore it is logical, that the choice has fallen on faculty CITA which represented for me the greatest interest. I has come in the summer to university and has handed over interview. So I appeared the student.
Student's life is romanticism:-). Only when begin to work, you understand that all was wonderful. The first lectures, the frightened sights, session, sleepless night behind course projects, pleasure from rest after sessions, the sea of a free time for comprehension the secrets of life:-).

Institute. Spring. Bush.
Summer. Session. Arrears.
Beer. Vodka. Gin with ice.
Coffee. Session. Diploma.

Average score after reception of the bachelor's degree has made 4,94.


About more serious things. I got a degree of the bachelor and entered to magistracy on the budget in 2006. In the same year I have offered work in concern "Donetsksteel". It's very favourable offer. I have had an opportunity not only to work, but also in addition to study various subjects in administrative bent. And, as is known, in life all is useful.
My teacher is a perfect expert in this area of knowledge, the senior lecturer of chair AT – Voropaeva V.J. With her help I have chosen a direction which is directly connected to a place of my work, it's a research of network technologies for construction of telecommunication infrastructure in ERP-systems. I took part in the international conference which were taking place in Kiev in SUICT in April 2006 . The report was one of the best on the given theme, and I was awarded with the diploma for active participation in conference.

Plans for the future

In plans for the future I want to find myself in work it would be not a pity to devote all life. To find the second half and to create happy family. To build the house, to bring up the son, to plant a tree:-).

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Individual task (business-plan)