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Email: mvlad@icm.dn.ua vladmikh@makeevka.net Resume:Middle mark in the period of studies in university 4.97.I have practical skills and experience in the following directions of possession of computer technics:
Freely know Russian, Ukrainian languages. Also I know English in volume sufficient for free reading, correspondence and dialogue at a household level. The level of knowledge of technical English depends on a concrete subject domain. Short biography:ChildhoodMy name is Vladislav, my surname is Mikhalets. I was born on the 3rd of September in 1985 in the city of Makeyevka of Donetsk region. My parents: dad, Mikhalets Vladimir Nikolaevich, and mum, Mikhalets Irina Anatoljevna, - are also radical Makeyevka’s citizens. At the present moment my dad is the subject of enterprise activity, he has his private business. Mum works as the civil servant. My parents always supported me and helped me to make a correct choice in the decision of this or that problem. The thing that I am obliged to my parents for is that they paid attention to my all-around development in children's and youthful years and have put the base of personal qualities in pawn in me which I try to develop and improve now. My childhood developed in the same way as the childhood of the majority of children, namely: untill I was 4 years old, I was being brought up by my mum and dad, grandmothers and grandfathers. When at last I was 4 years old, I was directed to a kindergarten. At the age of 6 years the doors of the Makeyevka’s elementary school ¹5 were opened to me. From the very first school day I knew for sure, that it is necessary to study only on excelent marks, that „diligence and hard work will grind any sophistications”. Likely, this belief became one of the basic ones for the next years of studying, till today. What was remembered especially is that in the 2-nd class I became the winner of school’s tournament on checkers, and in 3 years after that I have taken the 1-st place in tournament on checkers in pioneer camp "Zvezdochka", that is placed at the coast of Azov Sea. Chess, unfortunately, did not become my hobby the way the checkers did. Only now I try to overtake subtleties of this most ancient game with new eagerness. SchoolIn 1996 I have passed to secondary school ¹61, to the form 5-A. Courses on such exact sciences as mathematics, computer science and physics became my favourite ones. That’s why, when there a time came to make a choice between the technical or humanitarian branches of the liceum class at the 8-th form, I did not deliberate for a long time to choose the technical branch of the liceum ¹1 on the base of Makeyevka’s secondary school ¹61. During studying at the liceum I participated in a number of competitions in chemistry (in 2001), physics (in 2002 I took the 3rd place in a regional stage of the competition and have been awarded with the diploma of the third degree), and in English (in 2001 and 2002). Strangely enough, but English always was one of my favourite subjects. And I have to thank my parents for that, because they have taken care of me to get engaged with the tutor of English from the very age of 7. Inspiration to learn foreign languages also was preserved in me at the university: at the second year of study I began to learn „new to me ” German language, though "well-known" English was already in the program. While studying at the liceum, I participated greatly in the life of my school. In such a way I tried to wake the creative features in me, which were “fast asleep” due to the effect of mathematics, physics and other technical subjects. In 2002 I have finished technical liceum ¹1 on the base of Makeyevka’s secondary school 61 with the gold certificate. By that moment the problem of entering the university has already been solved for me. And that is why. Having collected all the knowledge in mathematics in the fist, to be exact in the head, having practiced in "drawing" of block diagrams on computer science, I have rather successfully passed rating tests to DonNTU. According to the tests’ results I have been enlisted to the university. At that time I was not able to realize the motives of my choice, I mean the university and the future speciality, up to the end. Most likely it was a bias, that DonNTU was one of the most outstanding and powerful universities of Donetsk region, that studying at DonNTU is prestigious, that the higher education, received at DonNTU, would always be highly appreciated by the employer. I consider the choice of the speciality to be the derivative of "opposition" between my parents’ plans and my own. The matter is that my parents wished to see me as the future medical worker, and oppositly I was fond of computer and exact sciences more. In the result the choice has been made on a compromise speciality – the symbiosis of computer technologies and medical knowledge – CSD, that is deciphered as „Computer systems of medical and technical diagnostics”.      It is a pleasure for me to note, that the majority of my classmates also entered DonNTU. And it's twice, as pleasant, to mark, that some of them at the present moment continue their study at the magistracy of DonNTU: Kozhuhov A., Benesko À., Toichkina Î.. Leaving school, I already considered myself to be the 1-st year student of the speciality CSD of FKITA of DonNTU. So student's years have begun. UniversityThe first year of study. New acquaintances, new group, new teachers and supervisors. All of that was very interesting, exciting and promised much for the future. There was a lot of enthusiasm and creative inspiration. Probably, everyone knows this feeling of something great and new, this feeling when you make the very first steps in the entirely new world for you. The first examinating session was passed over perfectly well. And it gave me some confidence for the future. During the second semester I participated in student's conference „Physics and scientific and technical progress”, and made the report „Influence of Kurachovskay GES emissions on a state of environment of town Kurachovo of Donetsk region”. During the same semester in 2003 I participated in Allukrainian Student's Competition in English which was hold at DonNTU. In May, 2004, being the second year student, I was enlisted to the group of students who helped the faculty of physics to deal with foreign participants of the international conference (devoted to a problem of use of hydrogen), which was held on the basis of faculty of physics of DonNTU. It was very interesting and valuable in sense of experience, in fact communications were hold exclusively in English. On the 4-th course the time to choose a direction of researches for the future master’s work has come. My choice has fallen on ultrasonic doppler research of vessels. Many materials have been collected and investigated on this theme. Also consultations with the supervisor on the direction of researches and on presence of interest in them were carried out. In July, 2006, having passed the state examinations, I received the bachelor's degree and then entered a magistracy. Skobtsov Jury Aleksandrovich, doctor of technical sciences, the professor became my supervisor of studies. He has helped me to generate finally the theme of master’s work: „Specialized computer system of diagnostics of vessels on a basis of ultrasonic doppler researches.” In July, 2006 I also have finished training on faculty of military preparation at DonNTU, and in February, 2007 Management of the enterprise with maintenance of organizational - legal activity ” has passed the state examination on the second speciality „ and has received the bachelor's degree with distinction. Plans for future...Certainly the basic plan for the nearest future is the fulfilment of the master’s works and its protection. I consider a question of employment to be very important too. I plan to work in a large company where I could apply the knowledge and skills I have, realize my creative potential and become one of the best experts in that definite field of activity. Plans for longer period are difficult to make, in fact, as they say, «appetite comes during meal». What actually will be - time will show! |
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