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A large value has a production of metal for development of national economy and growth of welfare of people. On successful development of metallurgy to a great extent providing of engineer, building, transport, agriculture and other areas of national economy depends a metal. |
Mathematical model of technological process of rolling of purveyance on co-ordinate axesA flatting mill is intended for forming of types of rectangular section from the heated metallic purveyances – blanks. The desired type is provided by the rollers of rentals, as shown on a fig. 1:
The desired form is squeezed out from the purveyance of cylindrical rollers (on one on each of geometrical axes) which move by hydraulic drives two pair. A management purpose is providing of constancy of thickness of rental on the axes х and у within the limits of the set admittances. Rejection in the thickness of type can be caused two reasons:
In order to decrease influencing of these indignations, it is necessary to regulate the size of gap due to introduction of contour of feed-back. As a gap between fellings measuring is difficult, in place of measuring of thickness of type force of pressure of rollers is measured. Deviation of thickness of purveyance from nominal is designed indignation as "white" noise of wi, skipped through the filter of low frequencies with a transmission function:
where KFi - is an amplification factor; TFi - permanent time. Indignation, related to eccentricity of rollers, - it a function, near to periodic, with frequency, to equal frequency of rotation of rollers. Acceptable model – indignant at "white" noise we signal on the output of filter of the second order with a transmission function:
Here u – management, a delta - deviation of size of gap from nominal (мм), f –deflection forces of pressure of rollers nominal, g – coefficient of transmission, we , wi – "white" noises, imitating indignations, H(s) – transmission function of water driving gear:
Mathematical model of the broken a secret system on each of axes it is possible to present in a kind [5]:
where х(t)- vector of state of dimension (n x 1), n=5; u(t)- vector of external influences of dimension (m x 1), m=3:
y(t) - vector of weekend of variables of dimension (r x 1), r=2:
To decide criterion of optimumness of synthesis of automatic regulator of the control the flatting mill of such kind system:
where the first element of criterion is characterized by exactness of work of the system, and the second element is expenses of energy on a management. Obviously, choosing the matrices of Q and R properly, it is possible to get a compromise decision between exactness and fast-acting of the examined dynamic system. The task of optimization consists of to find the aggregate of vectors of managing influences, providing a minimum of criterion of kind (7):
where |
Got resultsOn the basis of the algorithms of optimum management got in an analytical form software is developed for automation of the analytical constructing of linearly-quadratic regulators, applied at management the drives of URSM. Job of the program performances:
At the closed system, at a LQG-regulator the rejection of thickness of type diminishes approximately in four times, as for the axis of x and for y.
It ensues from the presented graphs, that adjusting descriptions were worsened, as a maximal rejection of thickness of rental is approximate in four times more than at the design of the one-measuring systems. Consequently, synthesis of LQG-regulator without taking into account cross connections it is impossible to acknowledge satisfactory at the real level of to influence of channels.
At the use of multidimensional LQG-regulator will confront the level of rejections of thicknesses of rental with rejections, got for one-measuring system. Results, got at an experimental design, illustrated considerable advantages of direct synthesis of multidimensional regulators. |
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