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E-mail: | RyabichenkoAndr@mail.ru |
RyabichenkoAndr@yandex.ru |
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Resume Childhood School University Plans for future |
Middle mark in the period of studies in university 4.5.
I have practical skills and experience in the following directions of possession of computer technics:
Freely know Russian, Ukrainian languages. Also I know English in volume sufficient for free reading, correspondence and dialogue. Short biography: My name is Andrey, my surname is Ryabichenko. I was born on the 4th of February in 1985 in the city of Severodonetsk of Lugansk region in the family of remarkable people. My father, Ryabichenko Vicror Andreevich, was born on the 1th of May in 1950 remarkable soul man, strong, strict and just. My mother, Ryabichenko Galina Stepanovny, was born on the 8th of April in 1956 I haven't meet as beautiful woman as she is. Exactly these people put in me their the best qualities, educated from me personality. I am very thankful them for it and I will do everything, that they would be proud of me as I am proud of them. Also I was educated by the elder brother Anton. He elder me for 6 years. When I was 1,5 I was accepted in preschool. I was a careful and independent child in preschool and I loved sporting competitions very much. Dad and mother instilled in me love to sport from my childhood. The morning was begun with a morning run, charging and a cold shower. We visited the great number of sporting competitions with my dad. My favorite type of sport was football! My younger brother Artem was born on the 2nd of June in 1990. I could educate one member of our family at that time, and I suppose that I did it very well. I went to the secondary school №18 on the 1th of September in 1991. I will always remember this day. It was the first time in the first class. All was simply for me in secondary school, I was an industrious and assiduous student. I've kept these qualities forever. There was appointment in the second class at school which has changed my life. Come to think of it my mother decided to send me on dances of ballrooms after that appointment. There are many tears, offenses and hysterics, but a decision was irrevocable. So my dancing career began. I became the champion of the Lugansk region on sporting dances of ballrooms in 1996. Included in the 30 best pair of Ukraine. I rode on many competitions and I can say that it didn't interfere me study well. Except for dances I was keen on kickboxing. I became the student of collegium in the 8th class, branch of Kievo Mogilyanskoy academies. This event has improved my knowledges in exact and humanitarian sciences. I am especially thankful for that to teacher of mathematics Falkovskoy Ljudmile Alekseevne which instiled me love to algebra and geometry. The last bell sounded on the summer in 2002, but I had already known that acording to results of examinations I had been accepted in 5 Institutes of higher of Ukraine (Donetsk nationally technical university, Kharkov aviation institute, Makeevskiy industrially build institute, Severodonetsk technological institute, Kharkov autotravelling institute). It didn't take much time to choose my University, DonNTU was a main purpose which was attained. I was accepted on very perspective and promising speciality of the "Computer systems of medical diagnostics" (further CSD) which included besides the study of computer, study of medicine. You will ask why CSD, because computers are the our future, and I reckon that creation of the computer programs for the improvement of humanity health is profitable and prestige.
Years of studies in University are the best years of life, I can not disagree with this expression, it is actual so. I settled in a hostel №9 DonNTU, in a room to my elder brother Anton which studied in DonNTU on speciality of the "Computing engineering" and he finished it in 2003. Studies and sport stepped together, I studied in the day-time, and each evening I went to boxing section. I became champion on boxing championship of DonNTU in 2002 and the champion of tournament of the "Strongest boxers of city of Donetsk" twice. In 2004 acted on the evening faculty of DonNTU on the speciality of "Economy of enterprise". So I had to finish with boxing, because of luck of time for trainings. The intensive process of cognition, self-perfections has begun and is going on. I passed examination of bachelor and it was the first real test for period of studies in the university. I was accepted to the magistracy with a middle ball of 4,5. I began my study in the magistracy with the choice of scientific leader and theme of masters work. I did not have problems with choice the leader of work. My leader of work is Adamov V.G., prof., d.t.s. But I have to think over about the theme, which I need to choose. The theme was chosen after the numerous consultations. Its name is "Specialized computer system of the diagnostics caused potentials of cerebrum of man on basis Wavelet analysis". I hope that the system which has been created by me will help people to remain healthy. Future - this word hides in itself the great number of mysteries. Some consider that a man lives on the fate destined him, but I think that man is the owner of his fate. Main in life is possession of a goal, while man to aspire to something, he lives. In the plans on the future I will be very ambitious. I want to get the diploma of master's degree on speciality "Computer systems of medical diagnostics" and diploma of specialist on speciality "Economy of enterprise" in the nearest year. I want to find job on which I will go around with pleasure, on which I will earn as much as it will be necessary for good life. I want to meet beautiful girl, which I will "give a heart". I want, want, want... But in order to achieve this I have to work. |
DonNTU | Master's portal DonNTU |
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