In last 10-15 years the economic situation of the enterprises of coal branch worsening staticized the decision
of problems on anti-recessionary management. The majority of experts on anti-recessionary management and heads
of the enterprises identify approach of crisis with adverse influence of external factors and as the basic way
of his overcoming consider increase in the state support of mines, attraction of the state and not state,
domestic and foreign investments. Not denying importance of financial support and the importance of action of
external circumstances on functioning of the coal-mining enterprises, it is necessary to note, that during search
of strategy of an output from crisis unfairly not enough attention is given more rational use of available
internal reserves of mines. Unprofitability of many coal-mining enterprises is appreciably caused and not enough
efficient control, unreasonable growth of expenses for a coal mining, absence of the mechanisms, allowing to take
the most of available potential. At a low level of management and mismanagement any, even the most significant
financial and investment support will not allow to provide an effective coal mining and will not improve economic
parameters of job of mines.
One of directions of increase of a management efficiency the coal-mining enterprises is realization of such
major tools of managing, as planning and the control. However practice shows, that for last years on the majority
of them planning has ceased to be the tool of economic growth. Now the opportunity of cost management is lost
on the basis of plans, the responsibility for quality of their development is reduced and there is no due
control over their performance. On many mines planning has turned to the tool of reception of grants for partial
indemnification of industrial expenses, and many parameters of plans are counted to a basis of instructions and
techniques which have been developed still in 70-80-n years of the last century. Since then there were significant
changes both in conditions of managing, and in scientific - methodical approaches to planning which demand the
account by development of plans. The former system of planning appeared essentially unsuitable to use on mines.
The mining industry is characterized by huge scales of manufacture, the big industrial expenses
for extraction and processing of minerals and has the high economic importance.
Increase of efficiency of
mountain manufacture at the present stage in the big degree will be promoted by application of mathematical methods
in planning and management.
In system of planned targets the special place borrows volume of a coal mining which
appreciably forms size of many other parameters, and first of all - cost prices of a coal mining. The plan of a
coal mining directly is connected to the plan on work and a wages, plans of industrial expenses, and also financial
and investment plans.
The basic branch feature which is necessary for taking into account during planning, is
significant densities of conditional - constant expenses in the cost price of a coal mining (up to 70 % and more),
therefore a major factor of its decrease is maximization of volumes of extraction. Proceeding from this developed plans at the
coal-mining enterprises should be focused on the given factor.
The purposes and tasks of master`s work
The purpose is research of existing software products for planning manufacture, and also development of model of planning with
the help of evolutionary methods.
For achievement of an object in view it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
1. To make research of a subject domain
2. To study features of planning at the mining enterprise
3. To make mathematical model for the given task
4. To make the analysis of existing methods of the decision
5. To analyse program achievements in the given area
6. To realize a program complex for planning