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Tkachenko Dmytry VladimirovichFaculty: Computer information technologies and automatics(CITA) |
The author's abstractProblematicsIt is difficult to overestimate the necessity of development of technologies of protection of the information for Ukraine. During total introduction of new information technologies which areas of our life very few people reflects on by-effects of such development enter into all. And if many countries already have faced a problem of protection of the information for a long time in a daily life, Ukraine is only going to step into this ëmine field+. And we have to supply it with the qualitative mine detector.Protection of the information against outflow by the technical channels of ATM networks is a complex of the organizational, organizational-technical and technical actions that is excluding an uncontrolled outflow of the confidential information from a controlled zone. POSTULATES * There are no 100% safe protection means. * Physical converters are the sources of the information outflowing. * Any electronic element in a certain conditions can become a source of the channel of information leakage. * Any channel of information leakage can be found out and localized. " There is an antidote to each poison ". * It is easier for localize the channel of information leakage, than to find it out. So, information leakage is an uncontrolled exit of the protected data out of the organization or a couple of persons to which they have been entrusted on service or became known during job. LetÒs see what promotes it and by what channels outflow is carried out. What is a problem and existing methodsAn uncontrollable carring of the confidential information by acoustic, light, electromagnetic, radiating and other fields and material objects lies in a basis of outflowing of the information. As to the reasons and conditions of information leakage they, at all distinctions, have much in common. The reasons in imperfection of norms on preservation of the information, and also infringement of these norms (including imperfect ones), in a deviation from rules of the manipulation with confidential documents, means, product samples and other materials containing the confidential information.Conditions include various factors and circumstances which develop during scientific, industrial, advertising, publishing, accounting, information and other activity of the enterprise (organization) and create preconditions for information leakage. Such factors and circumstances can concern, for example: o insufficient workersÒ knowledge of the enterpriseÒs rules of the information protection and misunderstanding of necessities of their careful observance; o using of non-certified means of processing of the confidential information; o the weak control over observance of rules of protection of the information by legal, organizational and non-production measures; o turnover of staff, including ones, that had an access to a confidential information. Thus, the most part of the reasons and the conditions that create the preconditions and an opportunity of outflow of the confidential information, occurs because of defects of heads of the enterprises and their employees. Besides, the information leakage promote: * acts of nature (a storm, hurricane, a tornado, earthquake, flooding); * an adverse environment (a thunder-storm, a rain, a snow); accidents (a fire, explosions); * malfunctions, refusals, failures of means and the equipment Protection against outflow due to electromagnetic radiationElectronic and radio-electronic means, especially telecommunication means, possess the basic electromagnetic radiation specially produced for the information transfer, and the unexpectable radiations formed for whatever reasons of design-technological character.Unexpectable radiations can be subdivided into collateral electromagnetic radiations, outband and noisy. All of them represent danger for information. Collateral electromagnetic radiations are especially dangerous. They are also the sources of electromagnetic channels of information leakage. Each electronic device is a source of electromagnetic fields of a wide frequency spectrum which character is determined by appointment and circuit decisions, power of the device, materials of which it is made, and its design. It is known, that character of an electromagnetic field changes depending on range of its receiving. That range can be divided onto two zones: near and far. For a near zone the distance is much less than length of a wave and the field has strongly pronounced magnetic character, and for distant zone the field has obvious electromagnetic character and extends in the form of a flat wave which energy shares fifty-fifty between electric and magnetic components. In view of this it is possible to consider the probable channel of outflow in a near zone due to a magnetic component, and in distant - due to electromagnetic radiation. As a result of cross influence of electromagnetic fields same or diverse radio and the electrotechnical equipment in a power room it is created a field possessing magnetic and electric intensity. Value (size) and a phase orientation of this intensity is determined by number and intensity of sources of electromagnetic fields; the sizes of a rooms in which the equipment is placed; materials of which elements of the equipment and a room are made. Obviously, that the equipment rather each other is more close located, the less sizes of a room, the intensity of an electromagnetic field is more. Conclusions:1. There is no uniform decision for adequate protection of networks. There is only a complex of recommended actions. Concrete realization depends on specificity of a problem.2. One of key places of information leakage are lines of data transmission. And as consequence they demand enhanced attention at realization of protection actions. So the result of Master's work will be the integral unprecedented complex of meanings developed in view of all aforesaid aimed for the prevention of information leakage from the corporate ATM-NETWORK. It will include: passive means of protection (for example, shielding), active means (firewall, "noising"), that allows the information transfer confidential as much as possible. Besides, thereÒll be the laboratory testing of the some of offered protection means (on the basis of means of military faculty DonNTU). ^^^UP^^^ |