Main Master's port
Elena A.VoznjukFaculty: Of computer information technologies and automationSpeciality: Computer systems of medical and technical diagnosticsTheme of master's work:Methods and algorithms diagnosticses of the functional condition of the person-operatorLeader of work: Dr. Ing. of Computer Science Andrey A. Omelchenko![]() e-mail:eva_mag@mail.ru | ||||||
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AbstractIntroductionThe MotivationUrgency in types of activity, for which safety is a critical factor, always existed the observable interest to vigilance, of stay awake condition and weariness, especially, when are present the worsening factors, such, as removable work. The civil aviation pertain to such occupation, driving. In these cases, short periods to intensive activity are replaced the long period of the monotonous work. These types to activity often occur on background of the irregular timetable - a work and rest of the operator that can also mean that length and quality appear in the dreams worse optimum. The Care about attention level conservation, with which operator executes work, has brought about appearance of the multiple offers on device of the monitoring level to vigilance and warning the operator about reduction of attention in operation. But what show the studies on given moment does not exist the standard method of the checking of stay awake condition. So creation like instrument is actual scientific and practically important problem Purpose and problems of the workThe Purpose: increasing to safety technical object, operated by operator to account of the creation specialized computer system of the diagnostics of the functional condition of the person-operator. For achievement deliver purposes of such problem dare in work:
Supposed scientific noveltyThe idea of my work is concluded in making the system of the checking of бодрствования operator with use pulse-oximeter of the method. This noninvasive (i.e. without operative interference) method determinations of the frequency of the pulse and level of the contents of the oxygen in shelters. Supposed scientific novelty is concluded in that that before the last time this technology was not используема for checking бодрствования. As well as in that that functional parameters of the designed system will not general, but individually adjusted for different users that will do the system more universal (since last factor is of no small importance, when the question is physiological factor of the person). Review on subjectExisting methods and developmentThe First task solved in functioning, - conduct consequent systematic searching for a device checking to vigilance, as well as methodology and technology of the measurement to readiness of the machinist. Searching for on local and national level did not give capacious results. Used in functioning pulse- oximeter method, is described in work of the master DonNTU Litvinovoy A.V. "Development and motivation of the structure of the instrument of the determination of the contents of the oxygen in shelters". The Developments some instrument checking to vigilance on national level is not discovered. Searching for on global level was organized on all branch of industry, including railways, air, overland sea messages, civil and military. Analysis existing deviceThe First serial instruments called to wake the fallen asleep machinist of the train, have seen the light relatively recently: in 30-h year past age lever appeared in booth American locomotive, which machinist during motion was to compress in hand. If machinist fell asleep and released the lever, operated the siren. This in the general-that idle time and reliable way was extremely uncomfortable, and enough soon on change he came the device, working on several other principles, essence which - a checking the condition of the driver of the locomotive. The Instrument sends the request in the manner of firing light bulbs or bleep, to which machinist answers striking on special button or treadle (their else name "treadle to deaths") or simply concerning hand of some parts of the booth. The Algorithm action can be the most varied: in system, installed on our train, and until now first - a light signal, then if acknowledgement is not received, sound. Exist the instruments, requiring from machinist of the independent presenting the signal through equal gap of time, and on that, insofar beside he gets lost the feeling of the real-time, is done conclusion about his(its) condition. And all these device distant from perfection. The Trouble them not only in that that in gap between signal train haves time to pass the kilometers. The Instruments can not register the sleep condition of the machinist, when that else fit for "automaton" answer the requests of the system, but already not in power to check the road situation. The Modern leading systems of the checking to vigilance work at other level. The Moment of the begin of going to sleep person is characterized by physical changes to organism. Judge about condition of the person on electroencephalogram brain possible, electrocardiogram, amount twinkles, tone of the muscles, conduction of the skin. For check of бодрствования driver not all these parameters suitable (removing in booth electroencephalogram it is difficult itself to present), but on some of them exist the more curious developments. For instance, American company ASCI is made instrument, on microsloppings heads. Several more complex device, defining засыпание "on eye". The Known that beside falling asleep person changes the frequency морганий, path of the motion eye, narrow the pupil of an eye. The Instrument, keeping a check on eye of the driver, it is enough much. The most simple of them not very suitable: bear up to head of the person, but their scanning device is situated in region of the person. More Expensive (for instance, American ETSPC Eye Tracking System or Eye Tracking Alertness Monitor) use apart costing camera. Searching for eye driver camera leads automatically, remembered location point most cutting светотеневой borders on person of the control person. On such principle find the purpose of the camera, keeping a check on tone of the muscles of the person: beside falling asleep person of the muscle are weakened, and person "swims around". However, and these systems not capable to define the moment of the attention level reduction. Such defect is deprived Telemetry system of the checking of бодрствования machinist (TSCBM), designed Russian company ZAO "Neyrokom" and introduced on Russian railways. The Principle of the action of the system is founded on dependencies of the change the electric resistance of the skin of the person from got to information. Before trip machinist puts on hand watch, in bracelet which build on sensors, measuring conduction of the skin and sending got parameters in main block by means of radiosignal. But since external irritants practically immediately change the resistance of the skin, that checking for vigilance manages to get the real-time. "Faultlessness of" instrument unique: probability of the finding засыпания not below 10^4, other word, "not to notice" fallen asleep person system can for 300 years of the round-the-clock functioning once. Pulse-oximeter methodOne more parameter, change which well noticeably when turning to appear in the dreams, is a change (the reduction) of the frequency of the breathing. That in turn brings about reduction of the frequency of the warmhearted reductions (accordingly falls the pulse and decreases the contents of the oxygen in shelters). Exactly on this dependencies is founded choice of the method, which will is used in my master’s work - a pulse- oximeter method. The Pulse-oximeter is a device for noninvasive of the measurement of the saturation shelters by oxygen and measurements of the pulse. His(its) use for checking the breathing during appear in the dreams, preventions of the early mortal syndrome, for checking the general anesthesia, as well as athletes during drills. For use given technology for checking stay awake condition is expected system designing, submitted for scheme (Picture.1) ![]() Picture 1. The Principle scheme of the designed system of the checking stay awake condition. Oximeter, which bears up on lobe fish soup operator, consists of two channels, each channel is equipped by source of the light and photodiode. The Information converter includes the amplifier, which converts leaving the photodiode in voltage, filter and analog-to-digital converter for digitization of the got signal. For governing functioning(working) the system is used microprocessor (AVR, Atmel or other specialized). For processing of got information is used under development specialized software, which is fixed on PC (PPC). The Relationship with PC is planned realize at беспроводной of technologies Bluetooth (that is the system defined by specifics of the using). On process of the debug connection to computer will be realized through USB-port. The Particularity of the using the system will be concluded in that that before her(its) direct use necessary will conduct adjusting the system, since used factors strictly individual for each person. ![]() ConclusionGot and planned resultsProgramm is planned develop at ambiences of the programming high level Delphi. Adapting the system under the individual user on initial stage of the using SKS will is conducted with use the modern set of the methods. Use given systems on two directions possible
Information searching existing technology and is chose method for the further development. Lead functioning on mathematical (searching for optimum algorithm information handling) and hdwres. The Begun development on familiarization with protocol of the transmission Bluetooth as well as is conducted choice to final technology for learning SCS. TotalDesigned and used in practice instruments do not provide the diagnostics of the condition of the operator (the dream/ of stay awake condition) to the ful so exists actual need in improvement existing instrument and development new. The most perspective direction of the creation inexpensive like device is a making the systems based on analysis of the pulse of the operator. List of the sources
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