Abstract - Bazylev Oleg - Software-hardware copmlex development
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Oleg Bazylev - Master

Bazylev Oleg Valerievich

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Hardware-software complex development on basis of virtual instruments for experimental researches of electrical system regimes


        The paper reviewed to development of application software for interaction with instrumentation and control equipment; collect, process and display information; determine the patterns of elements and regimes EES.

The relevance of work

        Automation of pilot studies using information technology is an effective simulation of a natural trend in electric power systems (EES). This is due to the great potential of computers for rapid processing of measurements, data storage and processing, ensuring a broad restructuring of the system in the process of work and so on. One of the latest developments, allows you to create virtual instrumentation and systems, is a software package LabVIEW.

The purpose and objectives of work

        The purpose of the work is to create software and hardware systems on the basis of virtual instruments for pilot studies regimes electrical systems. Designed complex calculation provides sub-frequency characteristics, parameters substitution schemes, standing time.

Scientific novelty

        Scientific novelty work is as follows:
        - Defining the parameters of synchronous generators according to GOST 10169-77,including parameters of substitution schemes;
        - Indicators of quality of electricity through a set of software developed in LabView.

The practical value

        The practical value of the results of Master's work is to create software that provides automation research and pilot testing electrical systems.

Basic part



        ГОСТ13109-97 "quality standards of electrical energy in the electricity systems of general purpose" establishes performance standards and quality of electricity networks in electric power systems and methodology for determining indicators [3]. Among the 17 indicators of quality are the main 8. The definition of quality indicators is technically difficult task, which is sold, usually with the help of specialized measuring devices and systems. Using data collection devices USB-6009 and programming environment LabVIEW measurement system was designed to identify the main indicators of the quality of electrical energy.


        The definition of each of the indicators is realized through a virtual device, serving as measurement, process and display the relevant parameter result. In the metering system implemented the following definition of quality indicators of electric power.

Voltage deviation

        To determine the consistency deviations of voltage measurement according to standard ГОСТ that defines linear voltages at operating frequency.

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         Current value is calculated for voltage of direct sequence of the main frequency Ul(l)i, according to the formula


        After averaging Ul(l)i could be calculated the value of existing deviations of voltage dUy by percentage formula 2, which is compared with normative values.

dUy=        (2)

        Block diagram of the device and front panel are given at Figure 1.

Fluctuations of voltage

        Writing and measuring the amplitude of the signal device "Fluctuations of voltage" similar device "Voltage deviation". Amplitudes measured value of voltages and their values are written to the array (Figure 2). On the schedule (Figure 3) displays envelope operating voltage of main frequency. Running sub extremes to find an envelope of operating voltage main frequency.


Figure 1. Block diagram and front panel device "Voltage deviation"

        The magnitude of change is calculated as a percentage dUt voltage and frequency of repetition changes the voltage FdUt, cl, min-1, with periodic oscillations of the voltage. The time t is given before the start of the programme and is 10 minutes in accordance with ГОСТ 13109-97.

        On the schedule (Figure 3) displayed curves raised by ГОСТ and values of dUt / FdUt.

         Perhaps voltage fluctuations are within the rules, if the measured values dUt / FdUt located below curves defined by ГОСТ.


Fig.2. Block diagram of the device "Fluctuations of voltage"


Fig.3. Results of measuring of voltage fluctuations

Voltage disbalance

        A calculation of the current output voltage and frequency of direct substantive consistency Ul(l)i (Fig.6). current output voltage and reverse the sequence of the main frequency U2(1)i. . A computation of the factor of unbalanced reverse sequence К2Ui percentage as a result of i-observation. Measurements are recorded in the array. Should be 9 measurements. Calculated value unbalance voltage on the reverse sequence K2 U percentage.

        A comparison of results measurement with the normative values and, depending on the results of comparison, is happening or not happening actuation indicator "Above normal allowable" or "above the allowable limit" (Fig.6).


Fig.6. Block diagram and front panel of device "Voltage disbalance"

Voltage failure

        Measured amplitude voltage and defined beginning and end of failure, if it occurred in the network (Fig.8). Defined maximum voltage failure, and calculated the maximum depth of failure voltage dU and as a percentage. The measurements are repeated again and the results of calculations are written to the array.

        Subprogramm verify that the failure of normative values. If the duration exceeds the maximum 30 with failure, the indication is switch "Bad failure". This means that the maximum duration of failure does not meet the standards.

Impulse voltage

        Measured amplitude voltage and defined beginning and end of momentum, if any occurred in the network, as well as the value of the amplitude and pulse width (Fig.9).

        Produced necessary computations and their results are written to the array. Subprogramm that the verify pulse amplitude normative values. In this case, works or fails indicator "Impulse overvoltage".


Fig.8. Block diagram "Voltage failure"


Fig.9. Block diagram "Impulse voltage"


        The measuring system consists of a personal computer, unit alignment and measuring devices on the basis of data collection USB-6009 and the recruitment of current mites (TA1-TA4) (Fig.12).

        Galvanic interchange with the network carried out by phases with the help of transformers TV1-TV3. Analyte system voltage flows through the slot HR9. Connecting to a computer is carried out through the USB port.


Fig.12. Electrical basic scheme of block alignment and measurement


        1. Л.И.Пейч, Д.А. Точилин, Б.П. Поллак, LаbVIEW для новичков и специалистов, М.: Горячая линия, Телеком, 2004.
        2. А.Я. Суранов, LabVIEW 7. Справочник по функциям, М.: ДМК Пресс, ПриборКом-плект, 2005.
        3. ГОСТ. 13109-97 «Нормы качества электрической энергии в системах электроснабжения общего назначения».
        4. Методические указания по контролю и анализу качества электроэнергии в системах электроснабжения общего назначения. Часть 1. Контроль качества электрической энергии (РД 153-34.0-15.501-00).
        5. Методические указания по контролю и анализу качества электрической энергии в системах электроснабжения общего назначения. Часть 2. Анализ качества электрической энергии (РД 153-34.0-15.502-2002).

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