DonNTU Master Bazylev Oleg
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Oleg Bazylev - Master

Bazylev Oleg Valerievich


Faculty: Electrotechnical

Speciality: Electrical Systems And Networks

Master thesis:

Hardware-software complex development on basis of virtual instruments for experimental researches of electrical system regimes

Chief: Zabolotniy Ivan Petrovich

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    User of all office programmes,
OS MS DOS, Windows 98/2000/XP,
realization of technical calculations
with MathCAD, VC++, LabView,
presentation developmemt,
habits of audio and video edition,
edition of raster and vector graphics
in MS Paint, Visio, AutoCAD, Compas.

         My life…

... before 2000

At first day of April, 1986 in Gorlovka-town, Donetsk region, I was born. Since that time my growing and development stated. In 1996 I entered school #16 in Gorlovka. Among school subjects my favorite were literature, English language, history, so called natural sciences. Exact studies interested me not as well are natural that time, nevertheless I always took an active part in different school competitions, conferences and others meeting-greeting on Physics, Math, Chemistry, ect. To say it was never unsuccessful. At Physical Culture my the best were basketball and chess. I was within those who use to take part in great number of regional and district chess championships. That time I accessed my first chess rating qualification. I suppose that is was a result of my training under the chief of amazing tutor Schmykov Alexander in the Chess Club “White Bishop” stated by Organization of Junior Art in Gorlovka. However, I’ve been looking for time to be participant of school basketball completions.
Besides that, school life was fulfilled by neither interesting cases. We organized some like Theatre Club in school (and who didn’t had it!). We played bright performances and plays on Russian, Ukrainian and English. Me and all of my classmates were captured by it! At least I filled myself for some time as Golochvastov from “Çà äâóìÿ çàéöàìè”, as Hamlet, as Romeo (my favorites!) and as Procurator of Judas Pontius Pilatus by Bylgakov, as Danko from Maksim Gorkiy, as Vakula from Gogol’s “Evenings”. These performances and repetitions passed easily and funny environments with no ascents of bore. We were spelling poems from the stage written ourselves, masterpieces of classic in Russian and Ukrainian, Shakespeare and Kipling from original. By the way my passion to literature I look with me from school until today. Probably my interest of reading helped me graduated my school with excellence.
Among school things I was keen on music. Unfortunately I’m not skillful in playing musical instruments. But I like listen to it. Classic, jazz, blues, goa, folk, gothic, Russian rock and not Russian rap, alternative, club electric music – any style music possesses talented and genius performers and composers. Furthermore I like very mach open air recreation. Fishing at sunset or singing near fire-camp – what of earth could be better?! Certainly I’m romanticist.

… and later 2000

ÂIn 2003 I passed exams in Donetsk National Technical University on Department of Electrotechnics. First year I was a student of Power Plants Cathedra. Second year I turned to Electrical System Cathedra because of English Faculty is based upon it.
It was accidentally interesting in University. But not an easy. Complicated subjects, troubles overcoming, large studying load were harden my mind and erudition. From the other hand was Communication. Real interactive communication between student all above over the world: parties and insomnia nights over the drawings, coffee and jokes at breaks, record-books, calculations works, grants, branches in parks instead of lections (so happened too!), cribs, barrels, ect. In short - student body.
In 2007 after I excellent passed state examination I’ve got Bachelor qualification of Electrotechnics. Just after that I entered magistracy of DonNTU.

Headline of my master's thesis is "Hardware-software complex development on basis of virtual instruments for experimental researches of electrical system regimes".

After I graduated I’m planning to find well-paid jod in field of Energy Engineering. That is my first-rate aim. I’m sure that knowledge I obtain in University will help me to become top-class expert.

		Besides that, this Millenium I'd like to:
				found quiverful,
				write poem to change the World,
				walk alone Great Chinese Wall, 
				go round the world,
				see sunrise from Space,
				meet with Dalai Lama,
				watch the whole of "Santa Barbara",
				read the whole of Castaneda,
				taste the whole of ice-cream,
				collect huge library of fiction
				and record library in million performers.

And something more...

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©Bazylev, 2008