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Master degree Bondarenko T.A.

Bondarenko Tatyana Anatol'evna

Faculty: Electrotechnical

Speciality: Electrotechnical Systems of Electroconsumption

Theme of master's work: "Computer analysis methods of calculation valuation of intrinsically safe electric circuits"

Leader of work: candidate of engineering sciences, Berchadskyi Iliya Adolfovich

E-mail: tanya_b_85@mail.ru

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Name:                        Bondarenko Tatiana Anatol'evna

Date of Birth:             24 Decembre 1985

Nationality:                Ukrainian

E-mail:                       tanya_b_85@mail.ru

2003 – 2007:            Donetsk National Technical University, bachelor degree, electrotechnical department

1993 – 2003:            Donetsk teaching and educational complex TEC №1

2007 to present:        electrotechnical department, master degree

Sports:                      swimming, photo

IBM PC user
Good working knowledge of French
Knowledge of AutoCad, MathCAD, MS Office

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