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Neutral earthing in an industrial HV network


Earth protection mode

        The neutral earthing impedance affects the required method of protection against phase to earth faults. As a general rule, the higher the fault currents, the easier they are to detect; the lower they are, the harder they are to detect .

        Moreover, it is advisable, even essential, to ensure protection not at one single point, but in all branches of the network, since the relays operate selectively. Phase to earth protection is provided by overcurrent relays supplied by the earth current. This current can be measured as follows:

        The core balance transformer solution is the most accurate, however it can only be installed on cables, not on busbars or overhead lines. The 3 current transformers solution is often used, in particular when these 3 transformers are already required for another application. But the measurement obtained is degraded by the inaccuracies of all three transformers, in particular in the event of transient overcurrents when the transformers become saturated.

Earth protection setting

        This must be adjusted according to the measurement accuracy. It must ensure maximum protection and authorize selectivity.
        If the measurement is carried out using the sum of the secondary currents of the three transformers, it will be degraded by the dispersion of the transformers. In particular, a residual current is measured if there is no earth fault when the transformers become saturated.
        Saturation is caused by excessive amplitude of the phase current, but more specifically by the DC component induced in a short-circuit or unbalanced inrush current.
         Note that, in transient conditions, the DC component can induce saturation of the transformers even though the peak value of the transient current is around 10 times less than the saturation value for a steady-state balanced current. An earth protection device supplied by 3 transformers must therefore include a time delay in order to avoid spurious triggering resulting from transients. The current setting must not be lower than 6 % of the transformer rating at best, or 15 or 20 % of the transformer ratings in the most unfavourable cases.
         Moreover, if an earth fault occurs in a star winding near a neutral point, the maximum fault current is only a small part of the maximum fault current which is limited by the neutral earth impedance. For this reason, the current setting is usually 20% of the maximum current limited by the neutral earth in order to protect 80% of the windings. But, as the calculation shows, in the event of a fault, a residual capacitive current flows through the sound parts of the network. So, to prevent the protective device of a sound line from tripping spuriously, the threshold must be set to 30% higher than the capacitive current flowing through this sound line when a phase to earth shortcircuit affects the network.
         Moreover, we must take into account the possible presence of voltage harmonics likely to produce currents which increase as the order of the harmonics increases. Note that 3rd harmonics and multiples of 3 exist even in steady-state conditions. Finally, the neutral earth impedance characteristics must be coordinated with the protective devices so that this impedance itself is not degraded by the fault current before it is eliminated.



that this concerns circuit protection and not personnel protection.



when the earthed neutral solution is selected for a medium voltage network, it is advisable to use earthing through a resistor rather than other systems.

Calculating r and IL

        This resistance r and the maximum current IL=U/3·r are determined taking the following requirements into account:

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