Abstract of thesis
  From data of MakNIU and DonNTU there are the accidents related to the defeat of people by an electric current on the areas of coal mines of Ukraine mat 4% from the common amount of mortal cases on mountain enterprises. For period with 1991-1998 years traumatism was observed mainly 73,5% in options to 1000V.
  On today there is actual a task as evaluated by the degree of danger of current flowing through the body of man at the casual touch to them explorer of being under tension. Complication of this task is related to that current flowing through the body of man of appearing under tension, changes not only on amplitude but also on frequency. This phenomenon is conditioned by the reaction of stores of energy to work of commutation instrument of network, inertia electric motors which continue to generate EDS after emergency disconnection, by violation of terms of indemnification at the change of frequency of rotation of engines in the mode of stopway, and also, man flowing through a body because of non-linearity of the guided compensating throttle.
 Therefore preliminary estimation of weight of defeat of man is an electric current by an actual scientific task.
Purpose of work
  To define equivalent (mean-square in times of action) values of current of man flowing through a body and amount of waveguide by him electromagnetic energy, in times of action of emergency situation.
  For achievement of the put purpose it is necessary to develop the mathematical model of the system «district network is man».
Scientific novelty
  Got calculation ostsylogramma instantaneous I(t), equivalent Iekv(t) value of current of man flowing through a body in an emergency situation, and also amount of the poglaschennoy electromagnetic energy Qe(t) for three stages of emergency situation.
Practical value of work
A method which allows on the known parameters of electrical equipment and resistance of body of man is developed, to give preliminary quantitative estimation of degree of danger of the district system of power supply (to 1000В) with isolated one neutral point for the man of by chance appearing under phase tension, by determination of equivalent current flowing through his body and amounts of absorber to them here electromagnetic energy.