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Vladislava Nikonenko

Vladislava Nikonenko

Faculty:of ecology and chemical technology

Speciality:ecology of the chemical technology

Theme of master's work:

Research of synthesis diazepinov as adaptive-genes of negative ecological influence

Leader of work:Bulavin A.V.

Materials on the theme of master's work:

Abstract | Links | Report about the search



Personal details:

Name: Vladislava Nikonenko

Date of birth: July 15, 1986

Citizenship: Ukraine

Address: Fl.49, 15 Ujniy Street, Kurakhovo, Donetsk Region, 85612, Ukraine

Telephone: 8(095)8857816


1993-1995 Comprehensive Secondary School ą1, Kurakhovo

1995-2003 Liceum, Kurakhovo Silver medal

2003-2007 Donetsk national technical university, Faculty of ecology and chemical technology, Speciality: ecology of the chemical technology Degree: bachelor of science – ecology

2007-2008 Donetsk national technical university, Faculty of ecology and chemical technology, Speciality: ecology of the chemical technology Degree: master of science – ecology

Work experience:

July 2005 Educational practice: Donetsk botanical garden, Station of filtering water, Yasinovataya Coke-chemical plant in Rutchenkovo

July 2006 Engineering practice: Open Ltd. Company “Donetskcoke”, Donetsk Ukraine

September 2007 Technological practice: Institute of physical organic chemistry and coalasid name by Litvinenko Academy of Sciences in Ukraine, Junior assistant


April 2007 Performance at the VI and VII international scientific conference of students and post-graduate students “Protection of the environment and rational use of natural resours” at Donetsk national technical university


Ukranian, Russian, basic English

Computer scills:

MS Word, MS Excel, MathCad, MatLab 6.5, EOL PLUS, Statistica 6.0, Statgraphics.

Hobbies: Music, cooking,reading

DonNTU Master's portal | Abstract | Links | Report about the search