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Donetsk National Technical University Tischenko Anna

Tischenko Anna

Faculty: The ecology and chemical technology

Speciality: Management of ecological safety

Theme of master's work:

The use methods of designed monitoring for recearch concentration of phenol in atmospheric air in the Donetsk sity

Leader of work: Belyaeva Irina

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The purpose of the given work is the estimation of levels of pollution of atmospheric air phenol at present and on the future, and also gathering, the analysis and researches of levels of pollution of atmospheric air of city of Donetsk.

According to the Ministry of protection of the surrounding natural environment among 53 cities in which supervision over a condition of atmospheric air on stationary posts are carried out, Donetsk is included into number of the most polluted in Ukraine. Phenol is specific pollutant of air pool of Donetsk behind which round-the-clock supervision on stationary posts of a weather service is conducted. In spite of the fact that their density in the general structure of total emission does not exceed 3, 5 %, hygienic value of this polluting substance is very great. Phenol, in itself is very toxic connection, possesses the expressed mutagen effect, and under the certain weather conditions can form more dangerous connections.

There are natural and anthropogenesis sources of receipt of phenol in an environment. Receipt of phenol concerns to natural sources with particles of a dust, in particular peat and earth. Air migratory streams include phenols which act with evaporations from water tables. Phenols are allocated in an atmosphere with wood, grassy and lowest plants. Significant pollution of an atmosphere by phenols occurs also at forest fires.

Powerful anthropogenesis sources of receipt of phenol in atmospheric air are merchant-coke plants, and also machine-building manufacture and those industries where phenol and his analogues are included in technological process. It is established that condensates of smoke gases contain the big number of derivative phenols.

It agrees the data of statistical management of Donetsk at the end of 2006 total emission of phenol has made 190,48 ton /year, of them on a share of the basic enterprises - pollutant which is merchant-coke plants the enterprises, it is necessary 169,9 ton /year, and on all others only 20,58 ton/year. The data on capacity of emissions are resulted in the table.

The table – the Basic sources of receipt of phenol in atmospheric air of Donetsk

The name of the enterprise

Source of formation(education) of phenol

Total emission, т/year

Open Society " Donetskcoke "

Coke shop, shop of catching of chemical products of coking


Open Society „ Makeevskiy CCP ”


Open Society „ Yasinovskiy CCP” 


Open Society „ Avdeevskiy CCP ”



Pressing shop


Other sources






On the basis of the collected and analyses data on total emissions of phenol from коксохимических the enterprises it has been revealed, that to the most powerful загрязнителем atmospheric air phenol in Donetsk area is Open Society « Avdeevskiy CCP » and it is established, that the zone of influence of this enterprise in part blocks Donetsk. The enterprises - pollutant of atmospheric air phenol located in Donetsk have smaller zones of influence, than Avdeevskiy CCP a factory, therefore it is possible to draw a conclusion, that they create local places of pollution of atmospheric air phenol.

The analysis of dynamics of the maintenance(contents) of polluting substances in atmospheric air for last 6 years shows, that in Donetsk the tendency of growth of a level of pollution of an atmosphere is observed. During this period on levels of pollution of an atmosphere was 2003 most adverse year; in turn was 2002 optimum year. The increase in a level of pollution in 2003 has been connected to growth of industrial production this year. The annual course of concentration of phenol in atmospheric air for 2001-2006 is represented in figure.

course of concentration of phenol

Figure – the Annual course of concentration of phenol

As a whole it is possible to draw a conclusion, that monthly average concentration of phenol do not exceed, but the analysis of daily average concentration on posts of supervision has shown, that in separate days have been fixed excess of maximum concentration limit. These days are characterized adverse meteorological parameters for dispersion of industrial emissions: in the presence of fogs, low speed of a wind, absence of deposits.

The modern system of monitoring means obligatory forecasting concentration of polluting substances in air for the future period. We had been collected the data for 2006 on the basis of which have been lead (have been carried out) regression analysis of dependence of concentration of phenol from weather.

On the given concentration of phenol in atmospheric air for 2006 the mathematical model has been developed on the basis of plural regress, dependences of concentration of phenol on meteorological parameters, such as have been determined: time of selection of test (srok) which indirectly characterizes influence of solar radiation; temperature of air (Т); a direction of a wind (napr); speeds of a wind (V); absolute humidity (А). The regression model looks like:

G = 0,0000528*T + 0.000005*V2

The equation (1) can be used only at the following values предикторов: T =-30.3 - 34 °C; napr = 0 - 360 °; V = 0 - 360 km/s; A = 0 - 21.7 GPA. It is valid for forecasting concentration of phenol in a range from 0 up to 0,003 mg / m3. For development of the equation of regress for forecasting higher concentration it is necessary to increase number parameters which will allow increasing reliability of the forecast.

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