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Aiko Oleg
Any action should have a positive effect.
Faculty: Economy
Speciality: Management of innovative activity
The Theme of masters work: " Activization of innovative activity "
Leader of work: Meshkov Andrey Vitalievich
I am fond of reading of business magazines and books on business
Email: blagotvoritel@rambler.ru ICQ: 310138128
About myself:
Professional knowledge and skills: Microsoft Office, STATISTICA,3d-max, Microsoft Project, Project Expert 6, MathCAD, «1S:», «Parus» and other.
Professional interests: Project - management, investment activity, securities market, marketing
Languages: English (pre-Intermediate)
The brief biography:
| Was born in the city of Debaltsevo (Donetsk area) on September, 29 1985г, but has grown in Uzbekistan in the city of Uch-Kuduk. There I studied up to 9 classes, and 10 and 11 classes studied already in Donetsk. Has acted in university on a speciality Economic cybernetics. At university from the second rate was engaged in public work. After 4 rates has acted in a magistracy on a speciality management of innovative activity . I write master work on speciality ECY on a theme Methods of diagnostics of asset managment in conditions of development of the market. and I am write master's work on a theme Activization of innovative activity.
The childhood |
My name is Aiko Oleg. Was born in USSR in the city of Debaltsevo, Donetsk area. But at once after my birth of parents have directed on distribution to Uzbekistan, in the city of Uch-Kuduk. Mother Aiko Marina Alekseevna worked as the chief accountant and father Aiko Vladimir Evgenjevich worked as the main mechanic. In Uch-Kuduk I also have grown, studied there up to 9го a class. And has left school already in Ukraine, in the city of Donetsk.
After 7 classes parents have sent in school of the English language to England for 2 months, in city Westgate-on-sea. From the first class I have gone on swimming section, and passed there 9 years. Frequently went on competitions on navigation. In 9 class worked on Uch-Kuduk TV where was engaged in installation of transfers, as drawing of prompts, and later even had experience of the announcer, my transfer with news of sports left once a week.
I have returned to Ukraine after 9 classes, what to enter the university. A difficult step became adaptation to the Ukrainian language which and now I own not so well. All 11 class became for me preparatory for receipt in university.
University |
At a choice of HIGH SCHOOL and a speciality I at once have decided to act on economic cybernetics on faculty of computer facilities and computer science in Donetsk national technical university. I have chosen this speciality because here my brother already studied and.
On 2 curriculum became chairman of a trade-union bureau of faculty and after that began, perhaps, the most interesting part of my training at university. chairman of a trade-union of faculty I have remained down to 5 rates. For 3,5 years of public work organized huge quantity university actions, became the initiator of other actions, it was many times awarded with letters and diplomas (including from Donetsk measures) were visited with many places in Ukraine. In trade-union I became more sociable and organized, have learned to address to the big audience of people, in any collective I at once apply for a role of the leader.
After I have passed the state examination and have received the bachelor's degree, I have decided to go to study also as the second speciality on faculty of economy and management, in a magistracy, on a speciality management of innovative activity. In parallel I study on ECY where I develop the master project.