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Bannikova AllaFaculty: economicSpeciality: Management of innovative activity E-mail:bannikova-alla@rambler.ru Theme of master's work: "Management of innovative processes at the enterprise"Leader of work: the professor Khobta Valentina Dissertation | Library | Links | Results of research | Individual |
My average score during study in the University was 4,47. A can speak Russian and Ukrainian. I know French on the intermediak level. I can work with documentation and financial reporting. I’m found of new researches and I aspire to work in a big company.
I was born in hot summer day on June 23, 1985. I was born in Krasnodon – small, cosy and beautiful miner’s town.
Probably as well as all children, when I was 3 years old I went to kinder garden. That time I was independent, fair and accurate child. I could stand for myself and for my older brother. I took part in all children holidays in the kinder garden, on this holidays I was snowflake and danced. In this age I got two qualities – to respect the grown-ups and to like validity. In the kinder garden all teachers spoke that I will be “… the person who can stand for nerself”.
In 1992 I went to the first class of the general educational high school 7 in Molodogvardeisk.
School life appeared for me not less interesting and fascinating. School years proceed with new knowledge and impressions. I took part in almost all school actions. I would very mach like to dance and my dream came true. In the 5th class I began to atenal classeson the professional dances in the Palace of culture. But except for dances I attended the others circles. I liked to sew, build and model. In the 7th class I took part in competition on running in my school, and I won the 2nd place. I started to prepare for spring city Olympiad on running. But apparently it is not fated. In the dance circle I broke my leg. It was necessary to forget about running, dances and skating. On this my school dream ended. Thanks to my aspiration to go forward, I all the same continued to dance but not to skate. And in that time I began to reflect on the future. I decided I have to choose the most important and actual speciality which could provide my worthy existence. And my aspiration to validity pushed me on the idea to become a lawyer. In the 11th class I began to prepare for entering to the university – I attended additional lessons on jurisprudence, took part in the open lessons on right, also I attended the additional lessons on algebra and geometry. I began to submit the documents and pass ratings. I’m grateful to all my teachers, and especially Alla Golubova. She’s wonderful, kind and clever teacher. The school life presented me two graduates’ balls – in the 9th and 11th classes. This is the most wonderful school holidays which I’ll never forget. After ending the 11th class I began to choose the university.
I stopped on Donetsk National Technical University and Lugansk Academy of Internal Affairs. Why these universities? Because I was involved by speciality “Management of Organization (Economic and legal maintenance of the enterprise)” in DonNTU. Which remarkably combines in itself economy and the right. I choose LAIA because there I could to carry out my biggest dream to become the lawyer. The first examinations was in DonNTU. I decided that if do not pass them, I shall go to LAIA.
Examinations have been passed successfully and I have entered to Donetsk National Technical University on a day branch on the speciality “Management of Organization (Economic and legal maintenance of the enterprise)”. I settled in the hostel, where my independent, adult, student’s life passed. I can’t tell that student’s life has proceeded smoothly for me. Probably as well as all students I has had my own rises and falling. My life twirled… The new city, new acquaintances, I have quickly got new friends with which I am still keep end touch. I have slept not enough because the university has taken all forces. It was necessary to hand over all control and years work in time. And I’ve done this. At the end of my fourth year I passed the complex graduation examination in my speciality on “excellent” and I’ve got bachelor’s degree. I’m grateful to my that they tanont me never give up and go to the end. I’m also grateful to all teachers of the chair “Management and the Economic Right”, especially to Vladimir Shevchenko. He’s clever, kind and understanding person – great gratitude to him. After fourth year I have had to choose to get the master’s degree or specialist’s degree. By my average score I have entered to the magistrate on the speciality “Management of the innovative activity”. Thus, at present I’m master. It is one more step in my life. This speciality is new in our university. New, wonderful and interesting teachers, new group, new friends have appeared. During study in the magistrate and thanks to the subjects “Innovate economy” and “Investment management of the enterprise”, I’ve learned a lot of new and interesting. I’ve concerned with the diligence to writing an articles for my degree’s work, investigated the problems of innovative activity at the coal enterprise. I respect my supervisor of studies Valentine Hobta. She’s sympathetic and wonderful teacher. Thanks for her patience and understanding.
I think if the person wants to be successful in a life he should know a lot, but not in the only one branch, to have the own opinion and to extra ordinary, creative and always aspire to receive new knowledge. That’s why the next step in my life is the defending of my degree’s work.
As for my plans for future, I want to become a manager in innovative or investment activity in coal branch. I understand that for this purpose I have to work hard, to gaih a lot of experience and professionalism. It doesn’t frighten me, because I like to overcome difficulties and to reach the objects in view. In fact every success depends on ability, desire and aspiration to work.
Dissertation | Library | Links | Results of research | Individual