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Viktoriya DolzhenkovaFaculty of Economy Faculty of EconomyManagement of innovative activity E-mail: viktoriamd@mail.ru "Foundation of the Innovative Potential"supervisor of studies: Candidate of Economic Science, senior lecturer of the chair "Economics of Enterprise" Kravchenko Sergey Ivanovich |
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In modern conditions the development of enterprises is becoming more and more dependent on
effective introduction of innovations. Successful introduction of innovations promotes increase of competitiveness
of enterprises. Thus, the problem of activization of innovative activity is frequently connected with the problem
of formation and effective application of innovative potential.
A question of increasing of innovative potential
is one of important attitudes in modern economic.
Recently innovations actively take root into economic,
Which form a way providing competitiveness
the enterprises and the organizations. These circumstances are caused as problems,
Which have developed in real economy of Ukraine, and necessity
specifications of new theoretical positions and scientifically-methodical
development in the field of innovative development.
Theoretic and methodological as well as practical problems of forming and improvement of organizational and economic mechanism of innovation’ potential management of public joint stock companies are investigated in the dissertation. The essence of category “innovation potential” is concretized. The indicators, which show the level of innovation potential management, were examined. The necessity of taking into account of service sector companies as producers of innovation was proven. Main external factors, which influence company’s innovation potential, were identified. Structure, functions and peculiarities of forming and improvement of organizational and economic mechanism of innovation’ potential management were determined. State of innovation potential and the process of forming organizational an economic mechanism of innovation potential management was analyzed. Methodology to assess state of forming of organizational an economic mechanism was proposed. Methodological recommendations for measurement of innovation potential value and economic effectiveness of its management are given. The indicator for innovation ability and it’s usage for ranking public joint stock companies was developed. |
The purpose of work is development of theoretical positions, and also give the methodical and practical recommendations influencing formation and efficient control in innovative potential of the enterprises. For achievement of the specified purpose in dissertation such problems are put in to the work: |
Object of research is process of formation of innovative potential of the enterprise in modern conditions. Object of research are theoretical positions and organizational-methodical maintenance of an estimation of innovative potential of the enterprises and strategy of their development. |
Despite the urgency of the specified problem, in the economic literature there is no yet a precise definition of the concept of innovative potential of an enterprise. This fact is appreciably proved by the existence of the numerous explanations of innovative potential concept, that , in its turn, can generate the problems of development of scientifically-practical recommendations. Everything mentioned above causes necessity to further specify the essence and structure of innovative potential. Generalizing the scientifically-practical material concerning the essence of innovative potential of an enterprise, it is possible to point out four approaches to its interpretation (on the basis of the most commonly used keywords while defining this term) see picture 1.
![]() Picture 1-Essence of innovative potential. The most widespread approach is resource approach, according to which the concept of innovative potential is treated as the aggregate of the resources necessary to implement the innovative activity of an enterprise. The definitions given by various authors are different depending on the structure of resources. Besides material, financial, information, scientific and technical resources, industrial and intellectual resources [1], personnel and infrastructural resource compounds [2] are marked as well. Novikova I.V., in her turn, supports the interpretation of the concept through a prism of resources, but brings to a focus that except for resources it is necessary to consider not only resources but also catalysts that are conditions which provide optimum use of innovative resources. So motivational mechanism, innovative culture of an enterprise and its organizational-administrative elements should be considered the main compound catalysts. The second approach to definition of innovative potential is its characteristic as measures of readiness for realization of innovative activity [3]. The further specific definition is given by A.A.Bovin who adds, that innovations can be themselves created them in subitems of research and development, and can be got in the form of patents, licenses for inventions and a know-how [4, 207]. The third approach is defined by the ability of an enterprise to develop and realize innovative projects [5]. Such definition of innovative potential of an enterprise considers on the one hand potential opportunities to perform innovative activity, and on the other hand - presence of resources. The fourth approach to the interpretation of innovative potential involves the consideration of potential from the point of view of aggregate of opportunities of an enterprise in an innovative sphere. So accordingly to D.I.Kokurin innovative potential includes unused, latent opportunities of the accumulated resources which can be put in action to achieve the of economic subject purposes [6, 111]. Thus, the approaches analyzed above reveal the different aspects of innovative potential. In most cases, while characterizing the essence of the concept of innovative potential some moments are missed in this way reducing its content. Analyzing the above-stated approaches, it is suggested that we should understand the innovative potential of an enterprise as an aggregate of resources and conditions of an enterprise activity which form readiness, necessity and ability of the organization to perform innovative activity successfully. As a whole the analysis implemented proves the necessity of the further research of the innovative potential theory by specifying its structure, estimation technique and principles of formation which, in their turn, will allow to increase the efficiency of innovative activity management. The essence of any object full enough reveals by means of revealing its structure. In this connection separately it is necessary to put on the basic components of an investigated category. The resource component of innovative potential, is some kind of "jumping-off place" for its formation. It includes the following basic components having various functional purpose: material, information, financial, human and other kinds of resources. The research of the modern methods of financial investment support of innovation activities and development of enterprise’s innovation potential in the modern conditions of management. The method of evaluation of enterprise’s innovation potential was developed with regards to the level of enterprise’s involvement into the innovations process. The method is based on the problem-oriented approach towards set objectives. The practical approbation of the method was conducted at the Ukrainian diamond and instrumental production enterprises. The managerial decisions of the financial investment support of the development of the enterprise’s innovation potential are validated. The ways to improve the national finance and credit system of innovation sphere support are suggested. The meaning of innovation potential from the view of its essence and structure is described in the thesis; a profound anthroposocial approach is used when characterizing human (skilled) potential in the context of public society forming in Ukraine. The need in development of the ways of raising of innovation potential of human resources as a component of innovation potential of enterprises is proved by raising of organizational culture of enterprises, related to forming of mechanism of target management. Correspondingly, the methods of diagnostics of level of culture of target management as a basis of innovation activity and level of self-realization of innovators have been developed, as well as methods of selection of innovators on the base of a passport of a position. The program of special course in forming of culture of target management for managers has been developed and certified. It resulted in some activation of innovation activity at enterprises with trained managers. |