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Abstract of thesisIntroduction ОбGround of actualityAn innovative problem becomes the last years more actual. It is the reflection of the increasing understanding by society of that the update of Ukraine, all spheres of its life consists of innovations in production, management, finances, culture. Exactly the innovations conduce to the update of market, expansion of manifest of goods and services, to creation of new methods of production, deliveries and sale, increase of efficiency of management, education of highly skilled shots. Одним from directions, allowing to promote innovative activity of enterprises there is creation of mechanisms of co-operation of subjects taking direct part in an innovative process, that innovative market development. In this connection on the first plan the task of the purposeful forming of the proper innovative infrastructure, which is called to form terms for a market exchange by the results of innovative activity, renewal of innovative cycle of enterprises, creation of mechanisms of commercialization and transferta of products and technologies and, in final analysis, issue of competitive products on the basis of front-rank naukoemkykh technologies, is pulled out. In modern terms the promoted attention both at state level is spared to the problems of becoming and development of innovative infrastructure and at the level of managing subjects. However, present insufficient efficiency of functioning of swingeing majority of infrastructural elements. And although the economic category «infrastructure» a long ago entered in an economic turn, its essence, functions, not unimportant components making et al remain opened for scientific and practical researches. Integral theory of development of innovative infrastructure, leaning against a methodological base, taking into account world experience of development and feature of the Ukrainian market relations while was not folded. Unsolved of the noted problems, testify to actuality of this theme Purpose and tasks of workBy the purpose of this master's degree work consists of increase of efficiency of innovative activity on the base of perfection of innovative regional infrastructure For achievement of the put purpose such tasks decide in work:
Supposed scientific noveltyThe idea of my work consists in development of method of estimation of level of development of innovative infrastructure in the regions of Ukraine, and on the basis of the got results, to offer the row of methods of optimization of construction (formings) of innovative infrastructure in regions. review on a themeIn the first chapter of work « General bases of theory of innovative infrastructure» forming of basic constituents of innovative infrastructure is explored..Constituents of innovative infrastructure.. Innovative infrastructure, being on itself a resource able to have influence on creation of the national innovative system, called to reduce the risks due to realization of the internal communications, besides, that, on itself the same communications and risks do the system by a high-risky mechanism. Composition of infrastructure of region is represented in the Table 1. At forming of the national innovative system research of development of the regional innovative system in the context of the steady functioning of the difficult system is important
Founded on the higher resulted table 1 it is possible to select 5 basic constituents1. Legal infrastructure.The complex of laws about the guard of objects of intellectual activity and defence is right. Legal acts a stimulant NYOKR in behalf of industry and regulative processes of transmission of results of researches in the spheres of their use Complex of legislative acts determining the terms of creation and activity of institutes of support of enterprise business. Legal providing of activity of small and middle business. 2.Informative infrastructureInformative ynfrastruktura- certificate, patent, conjuncture, analytical, technical and publicity information. Basic informative necessities - at the decision of the questions related to patenting of innovations and conducting of marketing researches. 3. Specialized innovative centers (Material)Tekhnoparky, naukogrady, ynnovatsyonno-tekhnologychesye centers, business-incubators, centers of transferta of technologies 4. Financial institutes Banks, investment institutes, individual investors, venture funds, budget and other sources 5.Skilled ynfrastukturaShots are the major constituent of effective flowline of innovative processes. In Germany a government supports in institutes of higher the programs, directed on forming at the future graduating students of skills necessary for creation by them own innovative enterprises. By estimations for successful advancement of innovative projects there must be about 7 thousand of specialists in area of management by the innovations in Ukraine. It is expedient to carry out teaching and retraining of shots on the base of institutes of higher, having the proper infrastructure in the composition (scientifically-technological parks, innovative and marketing centers, centers of transfer of technologies) On this basis, we see that creation of innovative infrastructure, implies the systems the ramified network of transformations. Development of existent constituents of infrastructure will help in forming of regional innovative infrastructure In the second chapter is examined «System of infrastructure of support of innovative enterprise in the Donetsk region is examined in the second chapter"To the category of innovative enterprise in domestic and foreign practice apply more frequent than all in order to select in all spheres of economy of country specific subjects of economic activity, making the constantly developing special sector of economy, requiring the special instruments of management and forms of state support. The necessity of state support is conditioned to those that innovative enterprise in the conditions of market economy to become the active factor of economic development, commercialization, creative activity of developers of new technological ideas. Underestimation of role of innovative enterprise at state level and in regions, predetermined the system crisis of carried out economic reforms. It is known that in the past few years reforms Ukraine lost the over half of the production volume. The problem of innovations can not be the private task of one or another producer. She carries public character, as social are the economic aspects of society depend on that, as far as organically innovative processes are carried out in him. n master's degree work information on the basic elements of innovative potential, which are subject to the account in accordance with the generally accepted methods of estimation of this potential, is resulted in the cut of regions of Ukraine. These information testify, that practically reduction of organizations executing researches and developments on the average on 10-15% takes place in all. In accordance with this tendency there is reduction of quantity of the personnel engaged in researches and developments on the average on 15-20%. The most heavy situation is observed in the Donetsk region, so the quantity of research workers from 1995 to 2004 year went down or on 48%, thus only for 2003 year she grew short on 14 %. In addition, the problem of financing of innovative projects is for the enterprises of the Donetsk region is difficultly solvable. Samofynansyrovanye remains the basic source of coverage of expenses on technological and other innovations. The personal funds of enterprises were the basic sources of financing of innovative activity in 2004 - 71,9 %, although in 2001 their stake made only 46,5%. The financial streams of local budget diminished, so in 2004 as compared to a 2003 financing of innovative activity in the Donetsk region diminished on a 1447,7 thousand of UAH or on 56,5 %. We will consider on a picture the system of infrastructure of support of innovative enterprise in the Donetsk region ![]() On the basis of the above-mentioned information, it is possible to do draws conclusion that there was no infrastructure of support of innovative enterprise in the Donetsk region, friendly to his development. Ways of realization of these problems in perfection of regional infrastructure of support of innovative enterprise and building of additional objects of infrastructure in the state systems ConclusionsThe economy of Ukraine today still continues to proceed in lost в1990-х years (during a transformation crisis) potential. On this account to the vector of decline of rates of economic dynamics, which began in 2004, the vector of renewal of the lost economic potential counteracts. Causes the special disturbance of oppression of Innovation. Plenty of negative factors braking innovative activity grounds for a conclusion about the necessity of overcoming of mechanism of resistance to the innovations in Ukraine by development of the National innovative system (CARRIED). The decision of this task becomes the key trend of achievement of permanent development, base strategy of providing of national safety of Ukraine today. This task, properly explained, represented and will carry to consciousness of citizens, can become the consolidating idea of national revival. On this stage work is in the stage of development. Ending is planned on December, 2007. With suggestions and wishes to use materials of my master's degree apply to address List of sources
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