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Donetsk National Technical University Ignatenko Helen

Ignatenko Elena

Faculty of economy

Speciality is Management of innovative activity

Theme of master's work:

"System of providing of innovative development of subjects of management in the conditions of narrow-mindedness of resources"

Leader of work:  Popova Olga Yuryevna

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  My middle mark in the university was 4,67. I have a good command of Russian, Ukrainian languages. I have working experience in the Commercial and industrial representative office of OC "Alliance" and in a financial company Dogmat-Ukraine", where I continue to work now.

Short biography:


  I was born on August, 25, 1986 in Gorlovka. In the age 4 I moved with my parents to Donetsk. In my childhood I liked to attract attention to my individuality. I stood on child's chair which was the imaginary stage and read parents and neighbours poems. In the kindergarden I constantly participated in different performances and concerts. At that time the first "crime" was commited together with "partners" for the sake of some holiday we blew off all flowers from flowerbeds for our mothers. After this case I found out that there was such word "law" and it was impossible to violate it. However, when my farther made an attempt to put me in a corner I remembered not only this word but also announced my parents, that they violate my rights as a child.


  In 1993 went to the first class in school ¹145. In school years began to write poem and texts for different competitions and KVN. Also at school I deepened my knowledge of law - I studied in a law class. In a 10th form I got the diploma of the Sixth Ukrainian competition of pupils' and students' works on human rights. I was an activist and was involved in public activity. At school children's self-government was well developed. And in a 9th form I was chosen as a vice-president of our child's public organization «Bereginya», created on the base of our school. I want to express large gratitude to the founder of «Bereginya» Petel'chuk Evdokia Ivanovna. The structure of organization corresponded to the structure of the state. We had the constitution (written by me on the basis of the real Constitution), Verkhovnaya Rada and the Cabinet. That time was very enthralling. It was very interesting to understand - how to manage, though not real, but our little school state. In the 10th form I won a competition «Leader of year», conducted among the leaders of child's public organizations and became the head of the public organization. There is such a «promotion». Finished school with the “silver” medal!


  Before appearing in the walls of native DONNTU, I prepared to enter DONNU, philological faculty, speciality «journalism». I wanted to develop and realize my capabilities! For this purpose in the 10th form I began to visit the School of young philologist at the university. However, having studied there for a year, I began feeling bored me. Besides, there must be a sense of measure in everything, also in propaganda of nationalism. One should not forget that Ukraine is a bilingual country. Then I stopped studying law, and decided to enter DONNTU on the speciality «management of enterprises». Having passed the preparatory courses on mathematics and Ukrainian, I entered the university by ratings tests without effort. Clever and merry teachers, new circle of friends, journeys to the rest from an university, this will leave the most warm flashbacks. On the third course I decided that before graduating the university I should going some working experience and started to work. It was uneasy to combine the work with studies, but I managed to. There should be a desire. As the proverb says, a pessimist searches difficulty in possibilities, and optimist - in difficulties searches possibilities! Four years on this specialty flew unnoticed. When the time to enter magistrate came, a new speciality - management of innovative activity was opened. Here I have been continuing to get education. Non-standard approach and fresh ideas of teachers warm up interest to the studies. I can say on everything 100% - you will not miss here!!! I am pleased with the choice and am proud of the fact, that we became the earliest explorers!

  My plans and aims on the nearest future are related to my diploma work - only on 5!

  My distant purpose - to become successful businesswoman. For the sake of this I will have to make big efforts, and I know I'll manage it!!!! As P. Êîelyo said «if you wish strongly, your desire certainly will be carried out, in fact it was engendered in the soul of Universe». And from myself I add – that you should not only to wish but also operate, then success is garanteed!

© DonNTU 2008, Ignatenko E.
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