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Donetsk National Technical University Mishenko Elena

Mishenko Elena

Faculty: Economic

Speciality: Management of innovative activity


Leader of work: Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Bondareva Irina Aleksandrovna

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Middle mark in the period of studies in university- 4.75. Fluency possess literate Russian, Ukrainian. In an amount sufficient for reading and correspondence, possess English at the level of intermediate. Involve sport, like to read, watch movies, chat with friends.

Email: lesi4ekk@mail.ru

Short biography:

Hi! My name is Elena. Though my parents called me Alyona, the woman in the registration office believed that Elena and Alyona is the same. Now i am a happy owner of two names end, to tell the truth, i don't worry about that.

I was born on a hot summer day, or to be more exact, in the morning of 29 of June 1986 in Donetsk. I was a good and obedient child taking curiosity in everything. My parents and relatives took a great deal of pride in me.

My parents are the best and the most harmonious couple I have ever met. My mom, Svetlana, is not only beautiful, caring and tender woman but also very clever and wise woman. I always looked after my mother. In general, Mom has always been my epitome. My father, Alexander is an intelligent and charming man. Being a lawyer he has to be quite reserved and logical about everything. However, he is heart and soul of the company.Wide range of knowledge and skills of my father have always helped me in my studies and life in general. Moreover, I have an elder brother whose name is Artyom. In my childhood my brother took a good car of me. As we grew older we would fight rather often. Now we are the best friends.

Then it was time to go to school. The school years turned me into a real boyish girl. The reason was that all my free time I spent with my brother and his friends. We got on equal terms. With time the things seemed to go upside down because men seemed to be unable to understand women’s logic.

Having finished school I entered Donetsk National Technical University. I will qualify as a manager. Now I am taking a Master Course and currently working over my Master thesis.

In the future I am planning to set up my own business.

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Donetsk National Technical University 2008 © Mishenko Elena