Mode of operations of conveyers in careers and in mines is characterized by the unevenness of loading on a hauling organ, depending on the productivity of booty machines. The existent method of calculation of conveyer options gives the possibility to determine the linear loading on a hauling organ, theoretical productivity and drive engine power coming from the productivity of booty machines, time averaged. However this method of calculation doesn’t take into account the casual character of parameters of particle-size of the transported load, although it is obvious, that apparent density of load is not a permanent value. Besides, the engines exploited today were developed in the past century with the use of isolating and structural materials used at that time which can not provide requirements existing to date to quality the work of the drive, that results in the frequent break down of drive engines due to low reliability of their separate units and parts.
The object of research of this work is a band conveyer.
The purpose of work is to study the mode of operations of drive of band conveyer and working out the recommendations on the increase of efficiency of his work.
For achievement of the set aims the followings tasks are solved:
– statistical information on break downs of drive electric motors of conveyer options is analyzed;
– the actual traffic of goods of the conveyer is investigated at permanent and variable characters of apparent density of the transported load;
– adjusting power of band conveyer drive is calculated.
At enterprises, specializing in repair of engines, the analysis of break downs of types of engines to be repaired is constantly carried out. Thus, special attention is payed to unit break downs driving an engine to the pluck-out state.
Principal reasons of engines breakdown are: hasp of isolation of stator winding - 40 - 60%, damage of winding of rotor - 30 - 40%, destruction of a vent unit - 3 - 15%, break down of bearings - 7 - 20%.
Currently loading on a hauling organ is determined using the formula:
For example, when determining the linear loading on the ribbon main-line band conveyer KЛM-1,2-800-2M, installed in the career «South» OAO «Komsomolskoe R/U», calculated on the basis of the existent method ( = const), the got values lie in the interval:
Thus, an account in the calculations of conveyers of particle-size of the transported load shows, that the real unevenness of traffic of goods is much higher, than an averaged calculation supposes.
The necessary hauling effort depends on loading of q, attached to the hauling organs of conveyers, thus
In particular, at the calculation of power on the billow of drive engine of main-line band conveyer KЛM-1,2-800-2M, installed in the career «South» OAO «Komsomolskoe R/U», next values were got.
Table - Summary table of calculation of adjusting engine power at the actual area of cross-section of load on the belt
Expected value | At a minimum value of linear mass of load (at ![]() qmin = 91 kg/m |
At a maximal value of linear mass of load (at ![]() qmax = 134 kg/m |
At the calculation of linear mass of load by a classic method (при ![]() qклас = 112,5 kg/m |
Power on the billow of engine Nуст, kW |
250 | 307 | 278 |
On the basis of the resulted research it is possible to offer the following recommendations on the increase of efficiency of work of electric drive of band conveyer:
1) adjusting engine power at the actual traffic of goods is 307 kW. In this case drive engine power appears to be insufficient for the transfer of load.
2) the rational decision of the problem of power of drive shortage at maximum load surge is setting of engines, the construction of which foresees stability to brief overloads.
For example, application of insulants of more high class of thermiance for the winding of stator, and also replacement of cast winding of rotor made of aluminum on welded (soldered) winding from other metals, allows to promote the possible temperature of its heating, and also to provide stability of section of bars of rotor winding.
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