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Master of DonNTU Petrushkevich Roman Vladimirovich

Petrushkevich Roman Vladimirovich

Faculty: Mining Electrical Engineering and Automation

Speciality: Automatic control of technological processes

Theme of master’s work: The substantation of the structure and working out of automatic control system for the main conveyor transport of mines

Leader of work: Candidate of technical science, Ass. professor Gavrilenko Boris Vladimirovich


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Curriculum Vitae


Petrushkevich Roman Vladimirovich

Date of Birth:

September 8, 1983




(+38) 0506805262

Marital status:


2007 to present:

Studying for Master’s Degree (Donetsk National Technical University)
Department of Mining Electrical Engineering and Automation


Bachelor of Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies (Donetsk National Technical University, diploma with Excellency)


Central Concentrating Factory "Nagolchanskaya", locksmith of electrical equipment


Student of Antracitovkyy Technical School of Radio electronics


Comprehensive School, Antracite, Lugansk region

December 2007 – February 2008:

A prediploma practice at the Central Concentrating Factory "Nagolchanskaya", Antracite, Lugansk region

Computer skills:

Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft Office Outlook, Microsoft Office Visio, P-Cad, Mathcad, Matlab, Internet, Compass, Micro-Cap, Sonic Foundry, Adobe Photoshop


Fluent Russian and Ukrainian; good working knowledge of English


Psychology, astrology, psychoanalysis, fhotographing, music, cinema, fashion, interior designing, travel, new technologies, reading


    I, Petrushkevich Roman Vladimirovich, was born on 8th September 1983 in Antratsyt town of Lugansk region.

    My father, Petrushkevich Vladimir Adamovich, was born on 27 July 1957. He works for CCM “Nagolchanskaya”. My mother, Petrushkevich Tamara Yakovlevna, was born on 26 June 1958. She works as a secretary of the executive committee of Dubovskiy settlement council. My brother, Petrushkevich Rodion Vladimirovich, was born on 15 December 1988. He is a fourth year student in Antratsyt vocational school of radio-electronic instrument engineering.

    My birth was a bright spot for my parents as I was their first child, and for my grandparents because I was the third grandson.

    Both of my parents took part in my bringing up, but my mother who is a pedagogue played the greatest role. The process of cognizing the world by me started when I was a small child. Everything around me was always interesting for me. When I learned to talk, I bombarded all my relatives with questions: “What is this?”, “Why?”, “What for and how?”…

    As far as my parents worked, my bringing up was entrusted to a babysitter and on Saturdays to my grandparents. Later I was put to a kindergarten. My kindergartners were kind and patient. They went into the questions of training me for school. But basic knowledge I received at home in the bosom of my family. Kindergarten just developed all-round interest and creative strategy. So from first days I participated very actively in different open events and festivals.

    I learned about school much earlier than other children. My mother worked as a head of the curriculum department at that time and I often was at the place of her work. So when it was time to enter the first form I was not frightened.

    Before school there was an event that perhaps influenced my further life. That was the birth of my brother. It was a happy and long-awaited event, because I waited for it yearlong. It was my insistence that encouraged my parents to take such steps. From early days I took him under my patronage and helped my mother to look after him. Later when he became older, we found the possibility to entertain ourselves and always played together.

    He is probably one of the closest people in the world and I would like all his dreams and initiatives to become true and realized.

    Thus on 1 September 1989 I went to the first form of secondary school ¹ 10 of Antratsyt town. My first teacher, Melikhova Viktoria Sergeevna, turned out a very kind, patient and highly skilled pedagogue. Under her direction my long and interesting process of cognizing the sciences started. Later we had to part with her because we moved to the fifth form where our teacher, Moshnyakova Nina Pavlovna, took us under her patronage. Immediately we loved our class mother but visited Viktoriya Sergeevna for a long time.

    My secondary school was notable for a variety of subjects and new teachers correspondently. That was a period of more adult life which was accompanied by not only the process of studying but participation in active life of our school. My assiduity and aspiration for knowledge brought us first results such as participation in school and municipal contests on mathematics, biology, history and geography. This gave the possibility to learn subjects more deeply apart from school syllabus. So library became one of the favorite places.

    The result of activities and self-organization was the certificate of finishing the ninth form with high distinction.

    The decision to enter a vocational school (Antratsyt vocational school of radio-electronic instrument engineering) was made spontaneously and if to be honest it shocked my classmates and form muster. My mother insisted to choose this speciality (radio-electronic instrument engineering) for which I was thankful to her very much. My entering was not easy because of large entry but I managed to do this. So on 1 September 1998 I became a student of this vocational school.

    The system of studying in vocational school differs from the school one. I had to learn how to make notes at the lectures very quickly and catch the essence of the material which was given by the teachers. One third of the course was given for self studying so I had to see the library on the first day. The resource base of vocational school, good equipping of laboratories and high skills of the teachers made learning of special subjects much more interesting. However my studentship would not have been remembered so brightly if there was no cultural life of the vocational school. Different events, club of merry and ready-witted people, amateurs' contests, and exhibitions took place and formed cultural mood. Every week on Thursdays an assembly hall was full of students and teachers. All the events took place under the aegis of the director of the vocational school Pomazanov Sergey Victorovich. Especially he loved the club of merry and ready-witted people.

    From the first year of my studying the stage of the assembly hall became native and my final performance was words of encouragement for the first year students on the main stage of the town when diplomas were presented.

    For active participation in the life of vocational school and conscientious attitude to studying I was rewarded with a letter of commendation, and my studying at vocational school resulted in obtaining the diploma with high distinction.

    Temporary material difficulties did not allow me to continue my studying at the institute of higher education. So on 1 September 2002 I began to work at the central concentrating mill “Nagolchanskaya” (Antratsyt town). My technical education helped me to choose speciality and I was accepted to the department of automation “ÊÈÏ and À”. The blue-collar job among adults and experienced people hardens the character very well. Besides new equipment and facilities made me continue the process of studying but under conditions of the enterprise. The process of coal improvement is very interesting, complicated and fully automated. The duties involve debugging and maintenance of automatic equipment. For that it is necessary to know well elementary basis of equipment as well as the whole production string of the factory. Knowledge obtained at vocational school helped me very much at the factory.

    Having worked for half a year at the factory I made a decision to continue my studying and obtain higher education. Among the institutes of higher education I chose Donetsk National Technical University which is famous for its teachers and graduating students and speciality of “automatic technological processes and production control”. The process of entering happened to be long. At first there were ratings and later there was an interview. As a result on 1 September 2003 I became a student of DonNTU.

    Studying at vocational school, blue-collar job gave me a large experience and knowledge so studying in DonNTU made me no difficulties. As usual I agreed to be a group leader and started to take part in the life of university. I took part in establishing and functioning of student government on the faculty of EMA. Under the direction of Kazakova Elena Ivanovna I took part in many student scientific conferences and I have some published works. I have very bright memories about my participation in conferences in Odessa and Sevastopol. I took part in university scientific conferences and I have published works in some symposiums.

    In 2007 having passed a state examination with distinction and having received a diploma of bachelor's degree I entered MA course for the purpose of obtaining the education being correspondent to European standards.

    Under the direction of Gavrilenko B.V. I go into the questions of automation of conveyor transport and I am working over the following theme of my master’s degree work “Substantiation of the structure and development of the system of automatic control of main conveyor transport of a mine”.

    What about my plans for the future? There are lots: to defend my master’s degree work, to find an adequate and interesting job, to obtain at least two higher educations, to learn foreign languages, to see the world, to live and feel on top of the world.;-)

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