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Catherina A. Tarasenko
Catherina A. Tarasenko

Master's thesis theme:

"Research of processes in the electromechanics complex of area of mine and development of automatic device for the increase of elektrosafety of complex"


      The complex of organizational and technical provide measures elektrosafety in low-voltage electric system with isolated netral. One of the fixed assets of providing of elektrobezopasnosti in coal mines is protective disconnecting with the device of indemnification capacity currents. Application of the mentioned devices can be impossible. After disconnecting of tension of feed-in network rotors continue to be revolved. This EMF, at first, supports the contactors of allow in the included state, and secondly, feeds an emergency point, that negatively influences on the parameters of elektrosafety.


      Model chart of the system of low-voltage electric network of cleansing area of mine supposes the power supply of a few elektrodevice from one transformer substation and presence of the ramified network of flexible cables from allow to elektrousers. Preliminary control of resistance the isolation of flexible cables of power-off elektrousers is carried out by the blocks of control of isolation, built-in in allow .

Picture 1.1 - the Model chart of power supply of area of mine

      Protecting of man from a defeat an electric current is carried out by the vehicle of protecting from the losses of current on earth ÀÇÓÐ (ÀÇÏÁ, ÀÇÓÐ.1, ÀÇÓÐ.2, ÀÇÓÐ.4). This a vehicle exposes the loss of current in the electric system of area of mine and forms a command on the protective disconnecting of automatic. Elektrosafety of exploitation of electrical engineering complex of technical area of mine will be in this case well-to-do not to a full degree. Reason is EMF of asynchronous engines of users, taking place after disconnecting of tension of chain of loss of current on earth:

      In the case of touch the man of being under by tension of network between allow and asynchronous engine and disconnecting of the electric system is not prevented danger of elektrotraumatism a man.


      For providing of elektrosafety of main cable there is a function of vehicle defence suffice, however electrosafety most subject to the damages and prevailing on the area of flexible cables provided not to a full degree. Development of CU by this process will allow to reduce hit of man an electric current probability and to reduce a traumatism these on a production.

List of Refs.s

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© 2008 Catherina A. Tarasenko DonNTU

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