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Donetsk National Technical University Umanets Svetlana Sergeivna

Umanets Svetlana Sergeivna

Faculty: Faculty of electromechanic and automatization

Speciality: Preparation minerals

Theme of master's work: Development of technology of intensive dewatering process of coal concentrate from flotation

Leader of work:a candidate of sciences Sergeev P.V.


Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract | Library | Links | Report about the search | Individual task

Curriculum Vitae

Name:Umanets Svetlana Sergeivna
Date of birth:14 January 1986
Address:ap 94, 30 Mikroregion Solnechny, Makeevka 86151
Phone:8(062)3223211(home), 8(063)2443211(mob)
1993-2003Secondary school (Makeevka)
2003-2007Donetsk National Technical University
Degree: Bachelor of Preparation minerals
2007-2009Donetsk National Technical University Personal Retraining faculty
Degree:Bachelor of Account and audit
2007 to present:Donetsk National Technical University
Theme of master's work :"Development of technology of intensive dewatering process of coal concentrate from flotation"
Work experience:
TrainingCertificate in sample selection
Languages:Russian, Ukraine; fluent English
Computing skills:MS Office, C++, HTML
Interests:cinema, theatre, dancing
Sports:fitness, runing

© DonNTU 2008 Umanets S.S.

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