Master's DonNTU Kasyanenko Andrey Leonidovich

Kasyanenko Àndrey Leonidovich

Faculty: Geo-technologies  and Manufacturing Management
Speciality: Mineral Deposits Development
Theme of master's work: The choice and substantiation of rational parameters of a method prevention of floor heaving
Leader of work: Solovyov Gennady Ivanovich
ABSTRACT  Ukrainian  Russian  English



At working off of bench coal in the conditions of deep mines of Donbass one of rather expenditure mechanisms is maintenance of stability of the preparatory mine working supported in a zone of influence of clearing works.
The condition of containing thickness of rocks is influenced with numerous factors which can be divided on two groups: natural and industrial. In the course of conducting clearing and a spadework in most cases is not available possibilities to operate natural factors, to them it is necessary to adapt, soften or compensate their harmful influence. The group of production factors includes a complex of technological, technical and organizational decisions which are accepted and realised according to the passport or specifications of conducting those or other mining operations. All these decisions are subject to the mountain expert-technologist who can choose, alter, combine and improve them. Hence, not excluding importance of the account of natural factors the basic management of a condition of rocks surrounding mine working is carried out by a choice separately or combinations of rational technical and organizational decisions.
High-efficiency working off of stocks of longwalls, especially in difficult conditions of deep mines, should be provided, as a rule, without performance in local preparatory mine working of the repair-regenerative works breaking a technological mode of a coal mining. Carrying out and maintenance of local preparatory mine working makes the big share of expenses in the cost price of extracted coal. Reduction of their quantity by one fulfilled stope is one of essential reserves of increase of labour productivity and reduction of production costs. The decision of questions of effective protection mine working first of all should be defined by means of the technical and economic analysis. [1]


Transition of mining works to depths of an order of 800-1000 m also is more interfaced to a considerable intensification of expression of rock of floor in a cavity of the preparatory mine working which loss of section reaches 60-80 % on interface to a longwall. Applied ways of struggle with ïó÷åíèåì do not differ the big variety and basically are reduced to manual or, at the best, mechanical ripping.
Research and design institutes develop and test various ways of protection of mine working, directed, including, and for struggle with floor heaving.
However because of complexity of the mechanism floor heaving loose rock of floor of a layer in the conditions of the big depths of working out when the dominating role is got by volume and time factors, together with durability characteristics of containing rocks, none control them in ways of struggle with rock heaving leads to negative results.
Thus, working out of new ways of protection of the preparatory mine working supported in a zone of influence by a stope, is an actual scientific and technical problem.


The work purpose is working out of a rational combination of ways of preservation of stability of preparatory mine working of the deep mines supported in a zone of influence of clearing works, providing is minimum possible size rock heaving at non-coal pillar to working out. Consists in use of redistribution of pressure and deformations in seam floor at simultaneous application of several ways of influence on rock surrounding mine working, providing the greatest efficiency of its maintenance.


Consists in use of redistribution of pressure and deformations in seam floor at simultaneous application of several ways of influence on the rocks surrounding development, providing the greatest efficiency of its maintenance.


  • an establishment of laws of change of pressure and deformation in seam floor at various ways of influence on border a massif of rocks on models from equivalent materials;
  • working out of a complex way of protection of mine working at non-coal pillar to working off of bench coal;
  • industrial tests of a way.

    The complex method consisting in generalisation of experience of protection of mine working on mines, modelling on models from equivalent materials, mathematical modelling by a method of final elements (MFE) and experimental researches in mine conditions is applied.


  • the complex method of protection of the mine working, based on mechanical influence on floor of a bench coal, and also in case of need uses of unloading cracks in floor is offered and proved;
  • laws of change of pressure in floor of development and its intensity rock heaving depending on a way of their protection (for 10 ways) are considered;
  • the area of rational application of a complex method of protection of preparatory mine working on sink deep horizons (800-1000 m and more) is defined at medium and high resistance cavability seam roof and of different layers seam floor.
  • SCIENTIFIC NOVELTY of researches consists in the following

  • it is revealed, that simultaneous influence by means of various ways on a part border a massif allows to unload seam floor under development and to reduce deformations of the top layers to admissible values;
  • wavy character of change of pressure in seam floor in the moment of pass of the stope, allowing to reveal zones of an unstable condition of protected development;
  • size and a direction of additional pressure in seam floor, and also intensity rock heaving depends on a way and a place of power influence on border massif;
  • criteria of a choice of rational parametres of unloading of floor are offered.


    Proves to be true in great volume of natural supervision (mine experiment), and laboratory researches, analytical to researches with use MFE, is likelihood-statistical generalisation of the received results of researches.


    Consists in working out of a complex way of protection of mine working and technology of its realisation at non-coal pillar to working out of bench coal in conditions different layers rock of floor.


    The developed complex way of protection of mine working is approved in the conditions of mine of E.T.Abakumov state enterprise «Donetsk Mining Energy Company» (DMEC) by working flat seam in difficult mountain-geological conditions. Industrial tests of a way are conducted. Planned economic benefit of introduction of a complex way of protection of mine working will make in 2008-2009 of 0,2-0,5 million grn. in a year.


    Substantive provisions and results of work it is planned to report at technical and economic meetings state enterprise «DMEC» and at scientific and technical domestic and foreign conferences.


    By results of executed research by the author it is published 1 work and 3 works are in the press.


    The dissertation in total amount 181 with. Consists of the introduction, five heads, the basic conclusions and recommendations, the list of the literature from III names, contains 36 drawings, 24 tables, 2 appendices.


    On the basis of the analysis of a modern condition of protection and maintenance of mine working, mountain-geological and mining features of working out on mine of E.T.Abakumov state enterprise «DMEC», the purposes and research problems are formulated.
    In the present we say lies working out of bench coal on mine of E.T.Abakumov the deposit is conducted on depth of 1000 m. In the tectonic relation characterised rather quiet burial, the complicated number of explosive infringements: thrust, downthrow. The amplitude of infringements small - from 5 to 13 m. Under the gas factor mine is carried to supercategory. In mining operations from a roof of layers in the tectonic broken zones is blower. All bench coal in borders of a mine field not outburst hazard. The investigated layers of sandstones concern to outburst hazard low and average degree. Geothermal conditions difficult. The maximum temperature of rocks makes 34,3 °C. The mine working spent on aleurolites and sandstones silicosis hazard. Bench coal are dangerous on explosibility of a coal dust, are not breedling-fire. Extent of supported mine working makes from 8-14 km.
    Preparation and working off of a mine field is carried out by panels on falling, to borders of a mine field. Working off of panels on layers is conducted on half-V system by reverse motion from panel border on prodeleting. At present on mine one site which works fulfils 7th western longwall of a bench m3 the mechanised complex. Seam roof is medium and high resistance cavability and seam floor have different layers of rock heaving. The average wall advance makes 60 m./months, mining makes 20000 t/months
    The basic way of protection of local mine working on their interface to a longwall is installation support strengthenings. To maintenance of consoles of a roof from the developed space it is applied double breaker-prop row. The operational experience has shown, that erection of chocks and pack is less effective. Besides, pack are not technological and rather labour-consuming at half-V system. However such way of protection does not provide repair maintenance of mine working. The size rock heaving floors on a bench m3 reaches 1,5-3,0 m then it is made ripping. Labour input of cleaning of rocks makes 0,9 people-shift on 1 m of mine working.
    All researchers studying the reasons rock heaving and physicomechanical processes, occurring round development, consider, that one of principal causes of deformations of rocks, the raised mountain pressure and presence of the bared surface of floor is.
    Last years such ways as explosive-slot-hole unloading of floor, explosive-strengthen, the device of unloading cracks, cutting a bench coal mining machine, drilling-out well in massif, manufacture of kirf by drilling way, etc. However experimental check of ways was made in different mountain-geological conditions are developed and tested and not all of them have appeared sufficiently effective.
    Thus, the big industrial expenses for maintenance of mine working, absence of effective ways of protection testifies to an urgency of the given problem, as has allowed to formulate listed above the research problem.
    In a rock of massif around entry to the longwall approach, during its pass and after it there are the deformation processes leading shear of rocks. On depth of 700 m at lateral rocks of an average fortress (strength of rocks of a roof and floor on compression accordingly 100—600 and 45—70 mPa), presence in floor of a non-working thin accompanying bed and seam working off on the one hand entry are observed following phenomena (fig. 1). [3]
    1. Basic pressure advancing a longwall creates the system of breaks extending in both parties from entry on 15—20 m. From a coal of massif these breaks are focused under a corner 25-35° to entry. In a roof and floor entry there is a stratification of rocks.
    2. At coal dredging in the first longwall the monolithic rock block of a roof falls vertically as a unit, and it turns approximately on 20°.
    3. Thereof in a roof entry the break which is passing under a corner nearby 70° is formed. Speech can go about a break from a bend.
    4. The layer roof over a coal file can undergo strong crushing. Owing to concentration of pressure probably further development of breaks.
    5. Simultaneously there is a coal expression in a cavity entry because of what at a weak direct roof seam breaks with gaping cracks can be formed. The rock of blocks dismembered by these breaks are displaced rather each other. Zones shear with S-shaped secondary breaks are formed.
    6. In rocks of floor waste cracks are formed.
    7. The floor entry, already strongly weakened by stratification of rocks, under action thrust collapses.
    8. Under the form of fragments it was possible to draw a conclusion, that rocks along a accompanying bed to the right of entry most strongly move.
    9. Completely develops shear rocks around entry, similar to volume which is observed in loose ground according to condition Prandt.

    Animated picture shifting and destructions of a rock massif around entry(10 repeat)

    Animated figure. 1. Character shear and destructions of a rock massif around entry (on J. Grambergu) [3, p. 275]
    1 — the general lowering; 2 — a deposit; 3 — collapses of a plane of a separation distinguished in a zone; 4 — primary breaks in a direction of action of pressure; 5 — pedigree blocks; 6 — the crumpled pedigree blocks; 7 — completely destroyed coal of accompanying bed;


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