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Helena Kosinova

Faculty: Geotechnology and Management of enterprise

Speciality: Ecology and environmental protection

Theme of work: "Improvement of technology of utilization methane at a mine named after A. Skochinskij"

Supervizor: candidate of technical sciences, professor of the department of the ecology and environmental protection

Vladimir Artamonov

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Email: lenusja0786@mail.ru 437-296-341


Theme of work: "Improvement of technology of utilization methane at a mine named after A. Skochinskij"

Substantiation and actuality of the theme.

   Nowadays Ukraine uses about 75 billion m3 of natural gas every year, only 18 billion m3 of which is extracted in the country. Ukraine imports about 57 billion m3 of gas which substantially increases its outer debt. Every year 30 billion m3 of natural gas is imported from Russia as a compensation for transportation of Russian gas to Europe via a gas pipe-line, which goes across the territory of Ukraine. In 2007 Ukraine bought the rest 27 billion m3 of gas at the price of $130 per 1000 m3. In 2008 the price for the imported gas for Ukraine is $170 per 1000 m3, but it is not the limit. The price might rise tomorrow. All these facts prove that the problem of methane utilization is very important at the moment. Extraction of methane in big volumes and its utilization will substantially meet the Ukrainian needs in energy.

   One of the mines where the project of methane extraction and its utilization should be developed and implemented is the mine named after A. Skochinsky.

The aim and tasks of the research work.

   The aim of the work is to improve the technology of methane extraction at the mine with a high-level danger of gas emission and develop the methods to use the extracted methane.

   The main idea of the work is to develop and substantiate the possible technological solutions while estimating only the total volume of the methane that is extracted at the mine and the technical and economic substantiation of its cost price.

   The tasks that are being solved in the master’s degree work:

1. To analyse the research on methane extraction at the mine with a high-level danger of gas emission.

2. To analyse all the existing methods of degasation and improve the technology of methane extraction.

3. To substantiate the trends and criteria of rational use of methane as a source for the industry.

4. Economically substantiate technological solutions for methane extraction and its use under the conditions of a real enterprise.

   The object of the research work is the mine named after A. Skochinsky, technology of methane extraction.

   The subject of the research work is the technological process of methane extraction and its use.

   The methods of research work are systematization, analytical method, methods of technical and economic calculations, methods of simulation, solution of situational tasks, prognostication, method of statistic data processing.

Scientific innovation and practical value of the research work.

   Scientific innovation is to develop and substantiate possible technological solutions estimating only the total volume of the methane that is extracted at the mine and the technical and economic substantiation of its cost price.

   Scientific innovation is seen in the following results of the work:

- Prognostication of the volume of the used methane was fulfilled taking into account its maximum extraction using the methods of mathematical simulation;

- The trends of rational use of methane were substantiated taking into consideration the conditions of a real enterprise on the basic of the existing technological solutions;

- Technical and economic substantiation of the use of extracted methane as a resource and possibilities of its use has been given.

   The practical value.

   Practical suggestions on the substantiation of the trends of methane use have been given. The technological solution has been given taking into account the conditions of the mine.

   It has been proved that the most favourable technological scheme of degasation in the mine is the use of the intersected wells , which degas not only the seams but also the rocks.

   A set of measures for methane use in the national economy will be developed on the basis of the given conclusions.

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© DonNTU 2008 Kosinova