Now on a level of a traumatism in a coal industry Ukraine is one of first among developed coal-mining countries of the world.
At a solution of a problem of drop of a traumatism as a whole, we shall pay attention that for many years (decades) by
of accidents the dangerous production factor landslides and breaking-downs resistantly takes the first place in Ukraine.
On many shafts where on natural environments there are no breeding fires, dust explosions, sudden outbursts of coal and gas,
explosions of
methane-air mixtures, the traumatism from breaking-downs exceeds 50 %.
Let's consider the analysis of a traumatism on an example of development of a layer h8 in conditions of shaft " Advance "
on a technique [1].
Shaft " Advance " is isolated enterprise GP " Торезантрацит ", is located in terrain of city Toreza of Donetsk range of
Ukraine. The shaft
is handed in operation in December 1973 years with full capacity of 1800 thousand tons annually. The scheme of preparation
- panel,
mining method - the lengthy piles to the rise. The shaft develops a layer h8 "Fominsky" by power 1,1 - 1,35 m with an angle
of incidence 4-100.
On a degree of danger on gas, the shaft is referred to II grade. On sudden outbursts and coal dust explosibility - not
The layer h8 in Torez-Snegnoe at geology-industrial environment falls into to figure of the most potent and mellow, he on the considerable area
(a part, boreal and austral syncline slopes) is already fulfilled.
The immediate roof of a layer is submitted by siltstones sandy-argillaceous (440 %), clay (30 %) and sandy (30 %).
Structural limit on squeeze variates from 213 up to 1026 kg / sm2, at average value of 511 kg / sm2. The main roof is
predominary by slate sandy, and to a lesser degree clay and sandy-argillaceous siltstones. Siltstone sandy on the
strength properties (706 kgf / sm2)
falls into difficultly обрушаемым to breeds, but taking into account availability of a fracturing and sharp contact pieces
on layers should consider it.
caving in (А2).
It is known, that on each shaft, in a production association on a coal mining, Минуглепром Ukraine the figure of accidents
variates completely irregularly.
In theory probabilities are the common decisions, directed on definition of such sample size which ensures minimum error
amount. But in a branch of the
mining science relating an occupational safety and requiring of the prime solution, there are, for example, problems of
definition of figure of the accidents
necessary for a reliable assessment{evaluation} of change of their figure in the course of the year, separate months or
change of a traumatism under the
fixed dangerous factor in what or a restricted span. Concrete numerical solutions for the similar problems called as
him{it} while no, therefore it is offered
problem solving of called type [1] following methodical method.
At the first stage the general underground traumatism for the last ten flying is calculated and the traumatism for the
first and last five flying is compared
among themselves. If he differs no more than on 5 %, calculation for a five years' span is hereinafter conducted. [1]
From table 1 it is visible, that the traumatism for the first five flying on 27,8 % is more, than for the last five flying,
but calculation we shall conduct all the
same on the last five-tap hole as, there is a tendency of reduction of production.
For many years the analysis of a traumatism in a coal industry executed{designed} МакНИИ. It was marked, that approximately
80 % н/с from
breaking-downs descended on the organizational causes. Doubting of a regularity of such breedings, came to necessity to
formulate as prime for branch
a problem drop of a traumatism from breaking-downs and in this connection acceptance of error engineering solutions causes a traumatism on a considered
dangerous production factor.
DonNTU, it is especially awake in the last 10 flying, persistently experimentally proves, that in the basis
of a nature of a traumatism from
breaking-downs there are stratifications of roof rock of productions under action of strains of the genetic return developing
at unload, in personally,
at a drivage after strains of recovery [2]. The stratification is perceived as education of systems of the technological
cracks oriented in bridge to planes of a
bedding. The mass to become with combination of the separate parallel plates crossed with natural cracks, and
practically irrelevants one another.
At the further probe of a nature given the phenomena we plug the analysis under data of special investigations of
circumstances in which there were the
breaking-downs of roof rock accompanied with a fatal traumatism as similar events are investigated most carefully
and specially built commissions.
Thus, in the basis{fundamentals} of a traumatism from breaking-downs there are the strains of genetic return showing
at unload - a drivage, depending
on natural tendency to nymas of the different breeds containing coal layers, and from technology of development last.
For conservation of resistance of productions, it is necessary to orient not by drop of pressure{voltage;stresses} on
their circuit, and on change of a directivity
of strains of genetic return which considerable proportion will not be then essentially to influence safety of
parameters of a lateral section of productions.
At the substantiation of engineering solutions, directed on an avoidance of a traumatism from breaking-downs on
achievement of resistance of productions
not at the expense of intensifying fix, and for couples of application of technological solutions (realization of
compensatory niches{wells} and trenches).

Рисунок 1 - обрушение породы из кровли выработки (10 кадров, 10 циклов, 163
Bibliographic list
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2. Nikolin V.I., Мордасов V.I.Podkopev S.V.traumatism from breaking-downs on shafts of software "Снежноеантрацит", as inquest of a stratification of breeds in времени. // the Collection of proceedings of X international conference scientific школы. // Simferopol, Taurian нац. University him{it}. Vernadsky - 2000г., page 95-96.
3. Николин V.I.forecasting of a traumatism and engineering solutions on his{its} reduction by shafts of software "Снежноеантрацит" // Изв. A college of mines - 1999г., №3, page 18-22.
4. Drop of a traumatism from rock pressure manifestations. Nikolin V.I., Podkopaev S.V., Agathons А.В., Maleev N.V. - Donetsk: "North - press" 2005г - seconds 283-292.
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