The show program "The improving program of industrial safety at the coalmines of Donbass" was carried out by Coal consulting center in accordance with requirements specification of the Tacis project "The partnership EU-Ukraine, as a transfer of Know-How in the sphere of development and management in coal sector of Donbass, Ukraine".
The aim of the project is to exclude the death cases and industrial injures of each distinguished miner
The way of realization - influence on the human factor
The main idea of the project - reducing the probability of accident or its heaviness degree you manage the safety.
The tasks of the show project:
- adaptation and approbation of progressive safety management systems, that allows to increase safety standards, definitely, in well-developed coalmining countries
- elaboration and introduction of the improving program of industrial safety for conditions of "Trudovskaja" mine.
In the period from July 2001 till August 2002 the specialists of Coal consulting center within the bounds of show project have prepared and fulfilled the improving program of industrial safety at "Trudovskaja" mine. In the process of carrying out the program new approaches to solve the problem of industrial injures were tested as well as: the measures, directed on the rising workers` responsibility for personal safety, the improving of training system for main staff, the drawing all workers in the industrial safety managing process etc. As a result of the program was introduction of industrial safety management methods; the consequence was the reducing of industrial injures level to 50 per cent at the enterprise during the year.