For economic development of Ukraine, a large value has Donbass. The enormous supplies of useful iskopaemogo are concentrated on no-bottoms. The most ponderable industrial supplies of coal are on declivous layers power to 2 meters.
Processes of control by mountain pressure in technology of the underground working off coal are labour intensive, dear on a cost and not always give the desired effect, therefore questions of their perfection, creations of effective, cheap krepey were and remain the major task of geomekhanniki.
In the last few years developed the government of Ukraine and ratified row of the programs purpose of which to promote efficiency of work of coal industry. One of priority directions of decline of expenses on mining, stopped up in these programs, there is development, making and introduction of new technologies of the use of anchor krepi.
As experience of application of the anchor fastening shows on the mines of Germany, England, USA, Australia and other, it allows in 5-10 times to decrease the expense of metalloprokata, concrete, forest; in 3-5 times to promote the productivity of works at fastening of making; in 2-3 times to promote driving rates; twice to shorten expenses on fastening and maintenance of krepi on-condition during exploitation.
However, in spite of certain successes in expansion of application of the anchor fastening domain on the mines of Ukraine, the volumes of fastening of making this type of krepi make a no more than 50 km presently
In opinion of engineers of zanimayuschikhsya in this area, by principal reason, impedimental wide introduction of anchor krepi on mines there is the not sufficient understanding of its role in the process of maintenance of making, and also absence of normative base, allowing taking into account concrete mining-and-geological and gornotekhnicheskikh terms and experience of the use, it is grounded to accept fastening parameters.
The purpose of work is: classification of mining-and-geological and gornotekhnicheskikh terms of working off layers on the mines of Donbassa, for prognostication and ground of application of anchor and ramno-ankenrnogo fastening domain in the preparatory making.
Research tasks it is been: prognostication and ground of application of anchor and ramno-ankenrnogo fastening domain is in the preparatory making. Their classification and stability on the method of fastening (sewing underneath, sewing together). Determination of the expected displays of mountain pressure and category of stability of breeds. Taking into account mining-and-geological and gornotekhnicheskikh terms to analyse the finished off mines of Donbassa for determination of possibility of application of anchor and frame-anchor krepey.
This master's degree work implies implementation of complex of researches which include an analysis and generalization of literary sources on stability of the mountain making, processing of data got by эксперементально-исследовательскиo works on the mines of Donbassa, treatment of model researches the methods of mathematical statistics with the use of COMPUTER, tekhniko-ekonomicheskoe comparison of technical and technological decisions.
The scientific novelty of work consists in that nobody was engaged in this question
Master's degree work is the advanced classification study, which a decision of task of ground and choice of methods of increase of stability of the pedigree baring of the horizontal mountain making on the stage of their leadthrough, providing safe their maintenances at minimum expenses on a leadthrough, fastening and maintenance of making is in, having a substantial value for development of coal deposits.
Materials are utillized in the abstract of thesis of master's degree work:
1. Pointing on a rational location, guard and maintenance of the mountain making on the coal mines of the USSR. - Publ. 4th, complemented. L., 1986. - 222 p.
2. KD Location, guard and maintenance of the mountain making at working off coal layers on mines. Methodical pointing, 1998. - 149 p.
3. KD System of providing of the reliable and safe functioning of the mountain making with the anchor fastening. General technical requirements.
4. SOU-P 10.1.05411357.010. System of providing of the reliable and safe functioning of the mountain making with the anchor fastening. General technical requirements, 2007. - 62 p.