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Rykalov Ivan Stanislavovich

Faculty: Faculty of geotechnologies and production management

Speciality: Mining of mineral deposits

Theme of master's work: Probe and development of ways of guarding of development workings by development of flat seams of Krasnoarmejsk area.

Leader of work: Moroz O. K.

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract | Links | Report about the search


The mean score in a training period at university compounds 4,89. Loosely know Russian, Ukrainian tongues. On an initial level know English. Fast enough and easily I run in in collective, I train to execute miscellaneous kinds of activities. Is responsible I refer to tasks in view, I try to execute them qualitatively and in put times. I have experience in a coal industry, in a civil engineering firm. There is a driver's license of a grade "Â". Has concluded learning on military stand, the lieutenant of a reserve has received a rank.


Short biography:

I, Rykalov Ivan Stanislavovich, was born on June, 26 1986 years in city Dimitrove of Donetsk range. After the terminal of a comprehensive school ¹1 in 2003 year has acted on the first course of Donetsk national technical university. At school studied well, accepted active sharing in different measures. Took prize-winning places in townspeople's olympiads on mathematics, physics, chemistry. Had a fancy ball dances, radio engineering. School achievements have rendered the major help at receipt in university. By selection of high school and a trade was guided by that, that I was born and have grown in miner's locale. In native city the coal industry is main. In a training period at university participated in an olympiad on "Mining" which it was conducted in Krivoi Rog and has taken a prize-winning place. Plans and the purposes on the near future: received knowledge at university to put into practice, prove to be at the enterprise the good expert, capable to execute a tough job. The long-distance purposes: to become the expert of a high level, the chief whom will appreciate and respect at the enterprise. To have stable and top-paying job.

DonNTU> Master's portal | Abstract | Links | Report about the search