Analysis of modern pictures of mechanism of deformation of array of mountain breeds in the vinicity of the vyemochnykh making, and in particular, on an interface them with cleansing backwalls allows to draw a conclusion that mountain science is create reliable enough theoretical bases for development of effective methods of guard and maintenance of the vyemochnykh making practically in any terms. par
The variety of mining-and-geological terms and their substantial changeability within the limits of the vyemochnykh fields of operating cleansing backwalls creates considerable difficulties at prognostication of possible displays of mountain pressure in the vyemochnykh making. The existent methods of determination of parameters of displays of mountain pressure, basic from which is an of a particular branch method HEED, not to a full degree allow to take into account joint influence of жесткостно-силоauo parameters of entablatures and different technological decisions on strengthening of basic krepi of making at the prognosis of the displacements expected in making, that is essential not only on the stage of choice of rational krepi and method of guard but also at implementation of project works as evaluated by expedience of planning of new mines, horizons of the vyemochnykh fields. Thus, the chosen theme is very aktual'noy for the mines of carrying out the coal mining in the difficult terms of no-bottoms of development.
The purpose of work consists in the choice of rational method of guard of the intensively deformed vyemochnoy making in the affected of stopes zone at the account of joint influence of жесткостно-силовuo parameters of entablatures, erected on the border of lava and parameters of technological decisions on strengthening of basic krepi of making.
Practical value. The exit of coal industry from folded by virtue of a number of circumstances of crisis situation is impossible without substantial investments in industry on the reconstruction of operating and building of new production capacities, that is attended with the necessity of implementation of the pre-project working of possible variants of business plans on the base of account of basic expense mechanisms, one of which and there is fastening, guard and repair of the preparatory making.
The basic feature of exploitation of the preparatory making in the affected of stopes zone is, considerable displacements of breeds on the contour of making, that results in maximum deformations and destruction of krepi. With the increase of depth of development there is a high-quality change of mechanism of deformation of lateral breeds, both on a contour and in the vinicity of the cleansing and preparatory making. It takes a place from education round the mountain making of area of unresilient deformations because of development on its contour of deformation processes as result of realization of potential energy of the earned additionally and overworked array of breeds. Issledovaniya yu.Z. Zaslavskogo [1,2,3], T. Glushko [4,5,6], I.L.Chernyaka [7,8,9], K.V. Kosheleva [10,11,12,13,14] rotined that the sizes of this area for the preparatory making arrived at four diameters three-, where under a diameter most I.L is implied. Chernyak marks that depending on correlations of tensile of lateral breeds and tensions strength in an array can take a place three types of deformations [9].
At the first type of deformations of breeds, characterized education round making of area of resiliently-viscid deformations, the process of deformation flows without violation of sploshnosti breeds and has attenuation character in time and space. When tension on the contour of making, exceedings protracted tensile strength, but less instantaneous durability of breed, the second type of deformations of lateral breeds takes a place. A decline of durability of breeds is investigation of microcracking on the contour of making, cooperant further growth of unresilient deformations. As a result local destructions unite in more large with intensification of processes deformations and displacements of breeds in making. But, possessing considerable remaining durability yet, breeds as far as a delete deep into of array render substantial resistance destruction with the simultaneous diminishing of tangential tensions. On achievement of some distance from the contour of making, destruction of breeds does not take a place and the area of resiliently-viscid deformations appears in this part of array. In course of time part of this area collapses and passes to the area of the protracted destruction of breeds. Most unfavorable from point of maintenance of making the third type of deformations takes a place, when tension on the contour of making exceed instantaneous durability of breed. Thus deformation of breeds supervenes the leadthrough of making and an area, where breeds collapse at once under reaching a maximum of intensity of tensions, is the area of de bene esse-instantaneous destruction of breeds. The area of resiliently-viscid deformations, within the limits of which in time appears areas of the protracted destruction of breeds, follows by it. Such process of deformation of lateral breeds shows up on depths 600-1000m at breeds with tensile strength on the monaxonic compression of 30-100mpa. At the analysis of methods of leadthrough, fastening, maintenance and guard of the vyemochnykh making in the affected of stopes zone will select the followings methods of increase of stability of making: change of sizes and form of cross-sectional of making, type and parameters of krepi; a location of making is in the area of the lowered mountain pressure, and also decline of tensions in a prikonturnom array; application of different ways and constructions of guard ahead and behind a cleansing backwall; work-hardening of prikonturnogo array of breeds.
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