Master's work
Exploration to dynamics of fusion of cold pig iron in a supersize cupola installation
The purpose: Increase of productivity of a cupola installation and reduction of a specific fuel rate.
The basic part
On the Makeevsky foundry (Joint-Stock Companies "МЛЗ") fabricate pig-iron molten grinding bodies of the wearproof white iron, applied at a grinding of various materials in the mining, cement and coal industry.
To an iron smelting in a cupola installation productivity 14 tons/hour as metal mix materials applies foundry cold pig irons of stamps of L 1, L 2, …, the L 6 and reefficient cold pig irons of stamps PL 1 PL 2 , a steel scrap, iron-struzhechnye briquettes, etc. a cold pig iron Fraction in mix material makes 30-35 %.
At exploration of the mechanism of fusion of cold pig iron it has been fixed, that ingot bars during the initial moment to fuse in their internal part containing low-melting components of pig-iron, having a melting temperature 950ºС. Then liquid metal follows, leaving not fused external cover consisting of more high-melting components of this ingot bar. Formed cavities can be filled with a pudding rock from a fluxing stone, coke, slag, complicating the further process of fusion and increasing duration of fusion.
The job purpose is definition of the optimum sizes of cold pig iron in a charge makeup for the cupola fusion, providing acceleration of process of fusion of ingot bars and increase of productivity of a cupola installation.
At calculation of heating and fusion of a pig-iron body it was considered, that in firm pig-iron low-melting components with defined the teplofizichesky the properties accepted on practical data contain. In the course of heating these components can form a solution phase.
The considered problem dared on the basis of the developed mathematical sample piece certainly-raznostnym a method under the implicit scheme.
Thus, the calculations spent under the developed program show, that at replacement of cold pig iron of the large size and weights in mix material of cupola fusion on pig-iron ingot bars and a breakage of the smaller size and weight, duration of smelting-down of a firm metal part завалки can be reduced to 30-40 minutes and to raise productivity of a cupola installation.
1. The mathematical sample piece of heating and fusion lumpy pig-iron is developed.
2.The optimum sizes of mix material are defined
3.Methods of refrigeration of the cage of a cupola installation are developed.