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Kasutin Alexander Igorevich
Faculty: Physic-Metallurgical
Speciality: Industrial Heating Engineer
Theme of master's work: Увеличение производительности вагранки
Leader of work: Prof.Dr.Sc. A.I.Tujahov

Email: ex3mal2006@rambler.ru


    I, Kasutin Alexander Igorevich, Was born on May, 29th, 1986 in the city of Donetsk.
    In 1993 has gone to first class school № 16 cities of Donetsk.
    After the termination of eight classes, in 2000, has passed in school № 15 cities of Donetsk.
    School has ended in 2003, same year has arrived in Donetsk national technical university on fiziko-metallurgical faculty on a speciality "Industrial the heating engineer"

The additional information

     I own well the personal computer, freely I talk in Russian and an Ukrainian language languages, In volume, sufficient for reading and correspondence, I know English. Always I aspire to expand the knowledge. I take a great interest in logic and intellectual games, puzzles.


    I like to listen to good music, to watch TV. I like the cheerful and noisy companies. I am engaged in basketball, supported school, played to the youthful command of a city of Donetsk, participated in competitions, occupied prize-winning places.

On the future

     In the future I plan to finish institute, to be arranged on good, highly paid job and to embody the desires in a reality.

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