Urgency of a theme:
"Manufacture pig-iron with the low maintenancе of silicon".
Composer: Lyadsky М.V. Н2>
Ferrous metallurgy is one of the major industries as metal is the base of a civilization, and the increase in its manufacture represents the major factor of technical progress in a national economy. One of the reasons of the researches directed on the decision of a problem of reduction of the maintenance of silicon in pig-iron by inflation in quiverts of a blast furnace materials containing iron, the opportunity to simplify technology domain swimming trunks is. As is known, this parameter first of all depends on position of a zone когезии in the furnace. Its low value (0,15 - 0,20 % Si) is reached at lowering the bottom border of this zone to border of a forge and etalage. Such technology of conducting swimming trunks demands high stability of structure used containing iron materials and exact management of a course of process. Inflation in quiverts materials lowering the maintenance of silicon allows to conduct process with higher thermal reserve and to avoid technological frustration, probable at low position of the bottom border of a zone cogeziy. Silicon as oxides SіО is present at all components domain materials (in dead rock of an ore material, in ashes of coke, in limestone). Silicon concerns to elements which it is difficult are restored. In a blast furnace silicon is restored in small amounts and only by direct way SіО + 2С = Sі + 2CO - 22,7 mDj/kg Sі The opportunity of restoration SіО in a blast furnace is caused by that a reducer is the carbon dissolved of iron, and restored by silicon passes in metal. Reaction proceeds on border undressed metal - slag (basically at movement of drops of pig-iron through a layer of slag) .Important condition of increase in a degree of restoration of silicon is the high temperature. Completeness of restoration of silicon in the certain degree is influenced also with a slag mode. However in connection with that slag contains plenty SіО (35 - 50 %), influence of basicity and a relative output of slag on reducibility of silicon in practice is insignificant. The quantity of slag less, the more easy (with the smaller additional charge of coke) it is possible to raise temperature in a forge of the furnace and to increase quantity of restored silicon. At melt usual pig-irons the degree of restoration of silicon makes ~ 5 %. As the basic quantity of silicon passes in pig-iron in the most high-temperature zone of the furnace with formation monooxides silicon from SiO2 ashes of coke and slag, the problem problem of the reduction of the contents silicon in cast iron at inflation in quiverts containing iron materials is reduced to suppression of formation SiO, reduction in activity SiO2 in slag and to increase pressure of oxygen РО2 in system.Decrease in the maintenance of silicon in pig-iron outside of a blast furnace can be organized by various ways: processing of pig-iron by firm oxidizers - dust, iron ore and scale, a purge of pig-iron oxygen or mix pair and oxygen. Process decrease in the maintenance of silicon in pig-iron can occur in ladles, a mixer or special installations. In all cases the main thing is creation of good contact between metal and an oxidizer. Oxygen which can be entered with oxidizers is necessary for oxidation of silicon of pig-iron, in the pure state or as mix pair and oxygen. The first experiences on decrease in the maintenance of silicon in pig-iron - iron ore and scale - were carried out by firm oxidizers before war on Kuznetsk combine. Before hit of pig-iron in martin furnaces metal was processed in ladles by scale and iron ore. It enabled to lower the maintenance of silicon in pig-iron on 30 % (at the initial maintenance 0,8 - 0,9 %). Difficulties of this process will consist at a distance slag of ladles, preparation, transportation and an additive of oxidizers. Approximately same results at decrease in the maintenance of silicon in pig-iron - scale and iron ore - have been received by firm oxidizers during this period at factories the USA, England and other countries.
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