

"Influence of the pressure gas in stove on chemical composition and temperature of pig- iron"
Ñîmpiler: Yaroshevskiy S.L., Tereschenko V.P., Nehaev V.G., Didevich A.V.

The First, who has paid attention to possibility of the change the chemical composition of cast iron at translation of the stoves on work with raised by pressure gas, were Esmanskiy P.M. (1915ã.) and emerged in ïðåíèÿõ on report D. Everi R. Hener (1938-39ãã.). Considering influence of the pressure on condition of the balance to reactions Turned white 2ÑÎ=Ñ+ÑÎ2 forecasted the increased consuption of the oxides of carbon in upper horizon stove and reinforcement of the process accumulation of carbon ferric: Fe+3C=Fe3C. Considering influence of the pressureunder constant warm-up condition balances reaction direct recovering the admixtures of cast iron (SiO2)+2C=[Si]=2CÎ; (MnO)+C=[Mn]+CO and process of the removing the sulphur cast iron slag [FeS]+(CaO)+C=[Fe]+(CaS)+CO, reached a conclusion that increasing R(with), for instance, in two times must be accompanied the reduction to concentrations silicon in ïåðåäåëüíûõ cast iron in four times, concentration manganese - in two times and increasing of the contents of the sulphur in cast iron - in two times. Ñontents silicon is fixed on border metal-slag: (SiO2)+2[C]=[Si]+2CO. In condition domain stove change to concentrations silicon in cast iron will cause the breach èçîòåðìè÷íîñòè swimming trunks: freed as a result of reductions of the contents silicon in cast iron heat is distributed between product swimming trunks in accordance with their water equivalent and raises their temperature on T=T2-T1. Under terminated changing the heat in lower zone stove temperature abandonning this zone gas remains practically constant (Tn=900 With) so all heat is distributed between cast iron and slag. The Contents silicon in cast iron master supports, following condition his(its)process of the removing the sulphur: lower the concentration silicon in cast iron easy, but here is save in him former (low) concentration sulphurs, as a rule, does not manage. The Influence of the pressure with the condition reduction of the contents of the sulphur cast iron negative, however contents of the sulphur in cast iron is checked not thermodynamics, but kinetics of the process. The Kinetic conditions reduction of the contents of the sulphur cast iron at increasing of the temperature of the cast iron and slag improves. The Smelting with raised a pressure gas promotes the decision of the problem of the reception cast iron with low contents silicon(Si=0.3-0.4 % under S<0.030 %).

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