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Ponomareva Natasha Theme of master's work:Producing and using ferrous flux for increase ecology-economical indexes oxygen-converter production still |
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Abstract |
On Theme of master's work |
The Iron Steel making in Ukraine attributing by the level of equipment and technology of the Blast Oxigen Process (BOP), which demand on prevail development. The BOP is one of the long-range redistribution in of the steel making process. Nowadays by the BOP are producing about 70 % of world volume the producing steel. The BOP negative influences on the environment, but it is not very "dirty" in the Ferrous metallurgy [9, 18].
The very main directions of scientific exploitations and practical work for modernizing the BOP are [10, 44]:
- lowering the consumption of resourse and energy in the BOP by lowering the expense of the metall;
- frugal using all of the raw materials;
- optimization of the rigime of the blowing melting;
- using of the scrap of the metallurgical and chemistry industries;
- ecological questions;
- rising the quality of the converter steel, lowering contains the harmful admixtures.
Object the work - is ecologization the BOP and saving raw materials, and re-making of the converter sludge and oil rolling scales for receiving the complex iron flux.
Methods of the investigations - are the mechanical tests, statistic processing.
Using the iron flux is permiting more rising stability the converter lining. It permits to lower expense of the fireproof materials, because they are will be more modernized. Using the ironflux positive influences on the high degree of the desulfurizatiog and dephosphorizationg of the metall. Slag stays homogeneous during of the all process of the melting, possible to the aiming the active lime ferrous slag.
Sludge and scales re-maiking permits to improve:
1) State of the environment: lower further the increase of quantity of sludge storedges and also to prevent its formation;
2) permite to extract valuable component (iron) and come back it to the metallurgy.
Enumeration the main results
The iron flux technology production on the base of the oil scale and iron converter sludge in the rotation furnaces is permited to receive the main scientific and technical results as:
- the quality of converter steel is increased, the contents of the harmful admixtures in the steel are decreased;
- using the iron flux in the BOP is permited decrease importantly consumption of the nature raw materials, exactly: to decrease the lime expense, completely or pattially except the CaF2 using;
- the influence to the environment is decreased by means of decreasing the limestone extraction, it's re-making and more frugal using;
- the dust is decreased in the time of flux transport;
- re-making the current departures: the iron converter sludge and rolling oil scale, is permited to importantly decrease it further accumulation;
- the time of usage of the converter line is increased;
- the degree of the desulphurization and dephosphorization is increased, the steel quality is increased.
Conclusions and perspectives of investigation
The iron flux technology production on the base of the oil scale and iron converter sludge is permited to produce such flux, that will be permite to increase the number of the meltings, to increase the steadfastness of the converter linem, to create the homogeneous slage, to increase desulphurization and dephosphorization in the oxigen converter.
The technology will be permite to utilize the departures of the converter and rolling productions, to decrease consumption the nature raw materials, to decrease the entry of the harmful substances in the environment, to decrease the formation of the dust dumps, to decrease the raising dust, that will be positive influence to the environment.
In the time of exhaustion the nature stocks of the iron-ore raw materials - the oil scale is the main reserve for Ferrous Metallurgy, because in the results of the exploitation the industries dumps must be receive not a few economic effect.
Decreasing the entry of the harmful substances in the environment under iron flux production is descend from behind the building effective cleaning structures, improvement the technological processes and the constructions of the aggregates:
1. In the time of the designing the technological aggregates must prefer more powerful aggregates.
2. Substitution in the aggregates the oil and coal by nature gas is significant decreasing the entry of the dust and harmful gases in the environment.
3. Exception the unnecessary operations that influence on the gas and dust, must be assist to significant decrease emissions in the atmosphere air.
4. Transition from the periodical processes to continuous permites to exude of the gas and dust emissions significantly.
5. Equipment of the technological aggregates by devices for dust catching significant decreases exude of the dust in the atmosphere air.
One of the causes of increasing the quiantity of the harmful substances may be production on the nonconditional raw materials, that are not correspond to technical conditions.
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