The world auto industry is dynamically developing branch, consuming considerable part of the produced thin steel sheet. The details from such sheet make by cool plastic deformation (the stamping, deep extraction) and they can include near half of mass of the modern car. The main requirement to sheet steel for extraction is widespread for fabrication other home and industrial products: cooler, gas ovens, a dishes and etc.. So as material for fabricating of the thin sheet for car industry and other machine-building productions use the IF steel. It has high deformation and minimum spend-energy. Using of such steel requires the desulphurization process of cast iron before level 50-100ppm and additional desulphurization during ladle refining processing before [S]=0,0025%.
Besides, Ukraine is a most of largest producer oil- and gas pipes of the high pressure, at fabrication which use steel with special low contents of the bad admixture. However, because of no quality metallic scrap and coke with high level of sulphur at the beginning ladle processing must be on level 0,050-0,080% (before 0,130%).
From the upper search we can consider that before steel manufacture questions connected with requirements market i.e. metallurgical enterprises they have to in its arsenal the technology and equipment is allowing to produce a broad steel kind to operative for changing demand for the kind of steel; to reduce the spend-energy of product; to raise the quality to products to accordingly competitiveness. This requirements need for introduction I steelmaking shop the ladle refining equipment.
There are produce the stirring of the metal by argon through porous plug (-s) in ladle’s bottom. Here main factors that define efficiency of desulphurization in base refractory ladles are a composition and consistent of refining slag the deoxidize degree of the argon flow rate and consistent of refining slag. But optimization of the technological factors promote increasing to efficiency of the desulphurization process.
However the decision of the many problems of the ladle refining technologies requires some considers about mechanism of the structure’s forming:
-a gas phase in rising gas liquid flow (“plume”) beyond bottom nozzles;
-the direction of a flow in liquid and value of it velocity;
-an area of “open eye”;
-a behavior of the surface of slag-metal by stirring.
The work is dedicated to study of the behavior of slag – metal surface.
The reactions on slag-metal surface have the resolving role in modern ladle processes. The stirring processes provides to enough arising of heart- and mass transfer velocity in steelmaking ladle. The velocity of reactions determinate the technological operation’s time and the being consumed energy consequently.
This work is dedicated to investigate of the surface slag-metal behavior at ladle refining process by argon stirring.
The work consists of two parts: cool water modeling and industrial experiment.
The first part has indicated the main of the physical modeling at investigator of the ladle refining process and some particularities of projecting and constructing of cool water models.
There have represented describe of the applied physical models at investigation and so results of the structure’s forms.
At second part of the investigation has offered the special design of the prober which was realized at industrial terms. So have introduced the results of the experiments and analyzes. On base of the analyzes of the experimental data was realized the estimation of the contribution of mixing phases in final result of the desulfurisation.
We have deliberated methods of the slag-metal surface selection and organized industrial experiment. On base experiments have installed that the stirring of steel by inert gas in steelmaking ladle in zone of the leaving the gas bubbles exists as direct (from metal into slag) and so invert (from metal into slag) masstransfer. There are installed the parameters of the motionable particles. So, amount metal particles from 50 to 270E-6 m have mainly spherical form, but more large-flat. The slag droplets in metal have a spherical form and diameter before 50-60E-6 m
Work has evaluated numbers of the metal particles in slag phase and slag in metal by gas stirring in steelmaking ladle. So have estimated the falling time of the metal particles by known methods On base of this estimation was organized estimation of the slag particles amount which are falling into the steel and getting through slag the metal droplets during 60 minutes. According to estimation, the approximations has shown 80kg falling slag droplets through steel and 23 tones leaving metal droplets through slag layer.
The estimation has shown the contribution of the metal-slag extraction in final result for desulphurization process has enough weight and consists of beside 15-20%. Herewith, in spite of all the difference of the active mass at process of the direct leaving metal and inverse of falling refining slag into metal the contribution each of them in total desulphurization process is similary.