Studying of behaviour of calcium at electroslag remelting metals and alloys
In view of need of the reception high-quality cleanest metal and alloy is developed ensemble of the ways of the reception alloy responsible purpose. Using metallic calcium in the manner of additives him(it) in slag(ftorium calcium) allows:
- refine the melted down metal from bad admixtures;
- reach the high degazation remelt solid;
- get the uniform structure on section solid;
The Purpose of the work study behaviours metallic calcium in process remelting. Following problems of the studies were determined For this:
- a determination to possible dependency parameter process ESHP from contents metallic calcium in melt;
- an observation for offset of the warm-up field on border electrode-metal when use metallic calcium;
- an influence to concentrations metallic calcium on structure of melt solid;
In process electroslag remelting metallic calcium, dissolved in melt ftorium calcium shows high rafinated ability. As is well known from literary sources: experimental is proved efficiency of the removing of such admixtures as: oxygen, sulphur, nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic, stibium, tin at accompaniment metallic calcium in slag under ESHP. Herewith essential change concentration metal: zinc, aluminum, nickel, chromium, manganese, as well as carbon and silicon does not exist.
Using metallic calcium in process chamber electroslag remelting promotes refining the metal, but on the other hand contributes the row of the changes to follow heat processes that does the actual study of the change the warm-up field, physicists of the process and most mechanism of the behaviour calcium in right space on different stages remelting.
Presence of the camera is conditioned by temperature of the boiling metallic calcium (1480 С) that at the temperature of the process remelting (1600-2000 С) brings about evaporation metallic calcium.
For reception bullion high quality, necessary to support the concentrations calcium in slag close to same. The Contents metallic calcium also influences upon stability electric parameter conduct swimming trunks.
The row article was considered At review of the research literature, publication and some material conference for the last 5 years. Amongst them : -a Prospects of the using metallic calcium and RZM under ESHP - L.B.MEDOVAR, V.YA.SAENKO - a Problems SEM 2000 ;
-A Refining become 18%Сr-8%Niраствором Sa - Saf2 - Nakamura YA., Tokumicu N.,
- and others.
Is it Hereinafter planned conduct the row an experience on stove Tammana in molibdenium tigle, where will be remelted different slag of the system for the reason studies of the behaviour metallic calcium. Is it Also planned make installation for determination of the contents metallic calcium in slag to system Ca - CaF2.
On stove ESHP at presence of the defensive camera will is organized row of the meltings with use different electrode with accompaniment in slag metallic calcium that will allow experimental to define the influence metallic calcium on electric and heat modes electroslag remelting.
At present prepares the publication of the article in student collection on subject : Study of the behaviour metallic calcium at electroslag remelting metal and alloy.